Portugal's unemployment reduction among the best in Europe

construction2Portugal’s unemployment rate at the end of 2017, compared to the end of the previous year,  fell from 10.2% to 7.8%, the third largest reduction in the EU, according to data revealed by Eurostat.
The unemployment across the eurozone  fell to 8.7%, compared to 9.7% at the end of December 2016 and in all the EU's countries, the rate fell from 8.2% to 7.3% over the same period.

Portuguese Environment Agency boss says "pulp mills are to blame" for Tagus pollution

FishDeadThe Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) has confirmed that the pulp mills above the Abrantes dam on the river Tagus have been responsible for the pollution that a week ago, carpeted the river in a layer of foam.
The APA held a press conference today during which its president explained that recent analyses of the polluted water showed high organic content (cellulose) that was not related to urban waste water, nor to the agricultural or livestock industries.

A week of biting cold weather ahead

snowoopnorthThe folly of getting used to the current mild weather and expecting it to last until Spring, is about to be exposed as a blast of cold air is due to sweep across Portugal from Thursday lunchtime, sending daytime temperatures into low single figures across most of the country, except in the Algarve.
At least it will be dry but the biting wind will push temperatures way down.

Social Security cheque fraud - 17 arrested after 'hundreds of thousands of euros' are stolen

eurozoneThe Judicial Police today arrested 17 people involved in the theft State funds from the Institute of Social Security. 
The suspicion is that those arrested changed the names on social security cheques and paid the money into accounts over which they had control. 

Portugal’s fleet of Kamov helicopters is unfit to fly

KamovHelicopterThe Government purchased six second-hand Kamov helicopters in 2006/07, all of which now are grounded, to the distress of those running the National Institute of Emergency Medicine and the National Civil Protection Authority.
The Kamov deal, rightly branded as ‘ruinous’ for taxpayers saw one helicopter damaged beyond economic repair in 2012 and two others breaking down - they have been in the repair hangar ever since.

Super Blue Blood Moon can be seen on January 31st

bluemoonThe January sky is to host the first blue moon of the year tomorrow evening, January 31st. The first full moon happened as the year began, and the second full moon in the month is about to arrive - making it a blue moon.

Also this full moon will be happening very close to the moon’s perigee (closest in orbit to the earth) so it has been labelled a super moon as it’s 15,000 miles closer to earth, appearing about 14% larger and 30% brighter than when at its apogee.

Government to scrap 2,300 old laws

booksThe government is to scrap 2,300 laws dating from between 1975 and 1980 that are no longer needed but have lingered on the statute books as nobody thought to remove them.
The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers, Tiago Antunes, said that the track record for the current executive was exemplary as, "in the second year, this Government legislated less than in the second year of all previous governments."

Two former Secretaries of State face trial for embezzlement

justiceTwo former Secretaries of State in the José Sócrates  government, have been accused of embezzlement.
The Public Prosecutor's Office has requested the trial “of two Secretaries of State from the José Sócrates government, in office between 2009 and 2011,” but was coy about revealing their names, despite this being of public interest.