Funding now needed to reveal the Roman city of Balsa as the Algarve's premier archaelogical attraction

archaelogicalDigRecent archaeological field work at Roman city of Balsa, near Luz de Tavira, has revealed both artefacts and vital information, with experts agreeing where the centre of the city lay and planning further stages of work to define the ancient city’s limits.

One of the main impediments is the inconvenient fact that the land is privately owned but local mayor, Jorge Botelho has determined that the area should be purchased by the State, so precious are the buried ruins and such is the opportunity for Tavira to host a visitors’ centre at this internationally important site.

Portugal among the safest countries in the world - Spain downgraded due to terror attack risk

madridUS travellers heading to Europe are advised by Washington that Portugal is Level 1, one of the safest countries in the world, whereas Spain is one grade higher due to a risk of terrorist attacks.

"Terrorist groups continue to organise possible attacks in Spain. They can attack with little or no warning, and their targets are sights, markets, shopping centres, government buildings, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, sports venues, schools, airports and other public places,” according to the US government.

Portugal is "the best example in Europe" says World Tourism Organization chief during Lisbon visit

UNWTOThe newly appointed Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), considers that "Portugal is a very interesting case" and the "best example in Europe" as far as tourism is concerned, and has picked Portugal for his first official visit.

Citing Portugal as an example for innovation, ecotourism projects and the quality of service, Zurab Pololikashvili, visited the School of Hospitality and Tourism in Lisbon and noted also the improvement in the country’s infrastructure.

easyJet aims for 10 million additional passengers this year

easyjeteasyJet’s new chief executive has issued a strong trading statement covering the last quarter of 2017 after assimilating on AirBerlin routes and a new base at Tegel airport in Germany, and successful cost cutting.

Passenger numbers were up 8% and revenue was up 14% with more add-on sales boosting cash.

Busy weekend for marine safety services

vilamouraFerragudo lifeboat was called out to rescue boat in difficulties near the coastline.

The request for assistance was received by the authorities at 16:40 on Saturday, January 20. The SOS was sent by the skipper of a leisure boat that was drifting close to the coast, in front of Salgados Beach, Albufeira, with 11 passengers on board, seven adults and four children.

Portugal's unemployment falls to lowest level since October 2008

construction2A delighted Minister of Labour, Vieira da Silva, seized on data published by the Institute of Employment and Professional Training for the 2017 year-end which showed a significant drop in the number of unemployed that show up on the official statistics.

2017 ended with 78,800 fewer unemployed registered at employment centres compared to the end of 2016, down 16.3%.

MEPs visit to pave the way for fire prevention funding

fireBombeirosSmallSix MEPs from the European People's Party, all members of the Environment Committee are to visit Pedrógão Grande and surrounding areas to collect information on the impact and consequences of last summer’s fires.

By looking at the progress to date of the reconstruction of properties, the replanting of devastated areas and the help given to locals, the MEPs are keen that Portugal accesses the European Fund for Strategic Investments to boost fire prevention activities.

Parque da Floresta golf resort for sale

parquedaflorestaThe Parque da Floresta golf resort, recently renamed as Santo António Golf, is for sale as part of the insolvency proceedings of its owner, Sociedade de Santo António.

In May 2012, the three companies managing the golf resort were placed into administration by order of the court in Lagos. These companies were the developer, Vigia SGPS, property company Quinta da Colina and golf management company Golfe de Santo António.