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Covid-safe Algarve beach guidelines come with fines

COVID-SAFE ALGARVE BEACH GUIDELINES COME WITH FINESThe Maritime Police will fine those who do not comply with the rules defined for the use of the Algarve beaches this summer. The use of a mask to access/enter the beaches, restaurants, changing rooms etc is essential, with fines of between 50 and 100 euros having been approved by the Council of Ministers.

Not only will citizens have to pay fines, but food sellers, restaurants and bars on the beach will also be fined if they fail to sanitize and clean equipment, or fail to post the regulations for bathers. These fines vary between 500 and 1,000 euros.

The use of a mask will be mandatory until you place the towel on the beach and the signs for access to the beach will have to be respected. The law also provides for fines for those who do not respect the distance of 1.5 meters on the way to the beach.

Most standards do not differ from those established last year. However, the Expresso reported that the rental of play/sports equipment will be allowed, along with the rental of awnings, loungers or beach umbrellas. Some sports activities are allowed again, as long as they comply with the defined rules.

The bathing season kicks off this Saturday in some areas of the country, such as Cascais and Algarve. In the remaining areas it starts in June.

Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/


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0 #13 Brook 2021-05-19 18:12
Quote from Chip,
You hate Britain and love Portugal's EU masters. Good luck with that.
Chip, your comment suggests that, if you like the European Union, then you must hate Britain.
The fact is, that less than half of the UK population voted to remain in the EU.
Another fact is that, all EU countries are equal to each other, every country has a single vote during a decision making process, so there are no masters in this great Trading organisation.
The EU is not perfect, but 27 out of 28 nations can't be wrong.
-1 #12 Chip 2021-05-19 11:29
Quoting Brook:
Looks like Britain have the name of "protectionist" if that's what you would like to call it ...

Though it's a pirate that would Rob others valuables ... bojo the pirate that is.

Seems you hate Britain and love Portugal's EU masters. Good luck with that.
-1 #11 Brook 2021-05-18 14:32
Looks like Britain have the name of "protectionist" if that's what you would like to call it ...

Though it's a pirate that would Rob others valuables ... bojo the pirate that is.
-1 #10 Chip 2021-05-18 10:53
Quoting Brook:
The EU is taking Astrazeneca to Court for breach of contract, as this company failed to deliver the agreed terms of the contract, which left EU countries in short supply of the vaccine.
The vaccines that were produced in Brussels by Astrazeneca were distant for EU countries, but instead Astrazeneca redirected these vaccines to Britain, which is how Britain was able to be ahead of the vaccine race.

First come, first served. As I said, the EU are victims of their own protectionism.
-1 #9 Steve 2021-05-18 10:38
This is what happens when health autorities recommendations become or are interpreted as law. Next up it will be law to have your 5 a day or you will be fined by your doctor.
-1 #8 Brook 2021-05-18 06:36
The EU is taking Astrazeneca to Court for breach of contract, as this company failed to deliver the agreed terms of the contract, which left EU countries in short supply of the vaccine.
The vaccines that were produced in Brussels by Astrazeneca were distant for EU countries, but instead Astrazeneca redirected these vaccines to Britain, which is how Britain was able to be ahead of the vaccine race.
0 #7 Chip 2021-05-17 17:58
Quoting Brook:
Quote by Chip. However, I do feel that wearing masks outdoors is a bit over the top. Having said limited supplies of vaccine, so who am I to tell them tthey are wrong?
that, Portugal has done an amazing job with
Unfortunately, the under supply of vaccine in Europe is due to astrazeneca reneging on it contact with the EU, thankfully EU country's such as Portugal are now getting back on track.
Utter nonsense.
The reason there was an under supply of AZ vaccine was that the EU ordered and approved it too late as they were waiting for the French Sanofi vaccine which was ineffective. Your good old EU being protectionist again.
Have you asked yourself why they didn't "renege" on Britain's orders?
I think someone else mentioned your rose tinted glasses on another thread.
-2 #6 Brook 2021-05-17 10:41
Quote by Chip. However, I do feel that wearing masks outdoors is a bit over the top. Having said that, Portugal has done an amazing job with limited supplies of vaccine, so who am I to tell them tthey are wrong?
Unfortunately, the under supply of vaccine in Europe is due to astrazeneca reneging on it contact with the EU, thankfully EU country's such as Portugal are now getting back on track.
+3 #5 David 2021-05-16 16:43
From Portugal Resident, it appears the Maritime Police have enough sense to ignore it:

"The new ‘fines’ governing mask wearing on beaches this summer... have created a storm of unrest – not least because the ‘official bathing season’ opened this weekend without the regulations governing these fines having been published in Diário da República.

As a result if people do ‘access beaches’ without masks in place, they cannot for the time being be fined – no matter what authorities may say.

According to tabloid Correio da Manhã, Maritime Police are not even particularly keen to go around fining people on beaches for not wearing masks in the various situations stipulated.

“The national Maritime Authority wants to make it clear that like last year it will continue to favour a strategy of awareness instead of repression”, says the paper today"

+3 #4 Chip 2021-05-16 12:45
Quoting Brook:
These covid safe guidelines for Algarve beaches are exactly the same as the guidelines we have been living with since March 2020 and I am impressed with how every business carries out these guidelines to the letter of the law.
Let's hope the summer tourist's respect these guidelines that will help to keep everyone safe.

I agree. However, I do feel that wearing masks outdoors is a bit over the top. Having said that, Portugal has done an amazing job with limited supplies of vaccine, so who am I to tell them tthey are wrong?

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