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Your Algarve News Highlights - October 28th 2023

Your Algarve News Highlights - October 28th 2023

Dear Reader,


Here is your weekly news overview…

Portuguese national minimum wage increases for 2024

The Portuguese National Minimum Wage (SMN) in 2024 will be set at €820 per month, an increase of €60 compared to the value in force in 2023.


This increase of 7.9% is significantly higher than the inflation forecast for 2024, representing a improvement in the purchasing power of workers covered by the SMN.


The government also confirmed, according to Economy and Finance, that workers who receive the SMN will not be subject to paying Personal Income Tax (IRS) on the value of their salary. This involves updating the IRS-exempt annual income limit to reflect the new National Minimum Wage value.


Comparing the increase in the National Minimum Wage with the inflation expected for 2024, according to Banco de Portugal projections released in October 2023 the expected inflation rate for 2024 is 3.6%, compared with expected inflation of 5.4% at the end of 2023.


Workers can ther therefore look forward to a real increase in their purchasing power compared to the previous year. This increase compensates for the slight loss of purchasing power that occurred in 2023, when the National Minimum Wage only increased by 7.8% in relation to inflation of 8.1% (HICP).


The current value of the National Minimum Wage in 2024, also known as Guaranteed Minimum Monthly Remuneration (RMMG), exceeds the previous projection of €810 by €10. This raises the possibility that the targets for 2025 and 2026 could also be revised upwards, although there is no additional information on this matter yet.


The increase in the national minimum wage in 2024 is positive news for worker, with improvement in purchasing power and the IRS exemption giving significant benefits that could alleviate financial pressure slightly on lower-paid workers in Portugal.



'Desertification' has arrived in the Algarve

University of Algarve researchers warn that climate change has caused desertification in the Algarve, despite the rain that has been falling across the country in recent days.


Even with the heavy rains across the country in recent days, the Algarve remains in a severe drought and the situation in dams and other water reserves in the region has changed little or nothing. Experts warn of the seriousness of the situation and say that if it does not rain abundantly in the coming months, the Algarve will only have water until April.


According to the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), "the 6 dams in the region only have 24% of total capacity all together".

According to the researcher at the University of Algarve, Nuno Loureiro, "we use between 100 and 120 million m3 per year, which means that at the moment we no longer have reserves for 1 year, we are basically reliant on what rain falls now and if it doesn't rain, we enter into a situation of profound water shortage,  with underground reserves at exhaustion". Speaking to TV channel Antena 1, the researcher emphasised that this is not an immediate consumption problem but a problem linked to the climate that has changed, "it stopped raining in the Algarve".

All in all, it rains 120ml less per year than it did 30 years ago in the region. "We are witnessing a structural change, we are talking about desertification", warns Nuno Loureiro, who considers the construction of the desalination plant in the Algarve to be a solution for human consumption, but not for other sectors: "it is not a solution for agriculture, for golf, nor for the territory, in no way does the cost of desalinated water allow it to be used for this type of use".

António Pina,  president of the Algarve Intermunicipal Community, argues that a solution is to transfer water from the North to the South, "it is something that the country has to study". If the situation does not improve there could be a significant increase for high-consumption consumers, "we are not thinking of affecting the average family that consumes up to 15m3, but starting to ration water, perhaps we will have to ration it via price ".

Another issue he focused on is to do with the type of agriculture that the region can have depending on the existing water resources, "above all, water capture cannot be completely unregulated, access to groundwater is today completely unregulated, each person uses what he wants and this means there may not be  sufficient for the neighbor next door, who also wants to be a farmer". António Pina supports the creation of a quota system for agriculture.


Monchique: New pedestrian suspension bridge opens

Monchique, now has yet another attraction for all those who appreciate nature and enjoy hiking - the Barranco do Demo Walkway was officially opened this Saturday.


The pedestrian suspension bridge is around 50 metres long and 20 metres above ground, and although it has been accessible since the end of July, was officially inaugurated at the weekend. 


The wooden walkway is part of a wider pedestrian route that connects the village of Alferce to Cerro do Castelo de Alferce, stretching for approximately one kilometre. The highlight for many is now the suspension bridge, which crosses the gorge known as Barranco do Demo and provides an excellent view of the surrounding landscape.


A relatively simple and quick walk, there are some parts that can present challenges, such as 500 steps, the narrow and steep paths, as well as the climbs and descents. The biggest challenge for those afraid of heights may be walking on the new suspension bridge.


According to Paulo Alves, president of the municipality, the objective of the structure developed by the Alferce Parish Council, with the support of the Monchique City Council , is to offer visitors “access to unique sites, to raw nature, to areas inaccessible until now”.


The investment for this walkway is around €400,000, and integrates the future Cerro do Castelo do Alferce Interpretation Center (CICCA) project, which will explain the importance of the ruins of the Islamic castle.



Portuguese dog Bobi, the oldest dog in the world, has died

The oldest dog in the world, Bobi, born on May 11th, 1992, died this Saturday, at the ripe old age of 31 years old.


A statment released on the internet by veterinarian Peter Dobias said, “My dear friends, today I learned very sad news: Bobi, the oldest dog in the world, passed away on October 21st, 2023. His owner, Leonel, was just six years old when Bobi was born in a small shed in the backyard, and they had a fantastic adventures together. Over the last few months, Leonel and I have been in contact. Deep down, we knew the inevitable would happen, even if that didn't make it any easier. When I met Bobi and Leonel in May, for Bobi’s 31st birthday, I was deeply touched by their love, connection and wealth of wisdom about longevity.” 


Also at the birthday event in May was Karen Becker, an Australian veterinarian, who also wrote on her wall that Bobi, a “sweet boy gained his wings”.
“Despite living longer than all dogs in history, his 11,478 days on earth would never be enough for those who loved him,” she added.


The death of Bobi, whose name is inscribed in the Guinness World Records since his 30th birthday, was also mourned on the Instagram profile of Le Terrier Studio, a photography studio for dogs, which photographed the beautiful boy.



‍More news next week!




Currency Market Update - 27th October 2023



No surprises yesterday when ECB (European Central Bank) decided to hold rates at 4.5%. President Christine Lagarde mentioned that there could be further actions in the future but that current market situation did not require monetary actions. In September we saw inflation levels drop drastically for a number of European nations.



Legacy of an Ukranian immigrant

Thousands of Ukrainians are coming to Portugal. Emigration has been normal in hundred years, to many countries.






Residency in Portugal - the D7 Visa

The D7 Visa is a residency visa that allows the applicant to obtain a Temporary Residency Permit in Portugal. This option is destined for the applicants that are already retired, for those living from own income, intellectual property and financial investments, or for those that develop a professional religious activity.




Quarteira: Luxury Beach Front Apartment, Forte Novo Beach

Stunning beach front, ground floor, one bedroom apartment plus an extra small room (sleeps two people), situated in a luxury Condominium Estate, right opposite the Forte Novo Beach.




Spacious 4 bedroom villa with garage, heated pool, located on the outskirts of Carvoeiro

This spacious 4 bedroom villa with garage and heated pool is located in Salicos, on the outskirts of Carvoeiro and the beach.





Traditional, detached property surrounded by orange groves, near Paderne

A traditional Algarve villa on a large, fully fenced  plot. situated in a peaceful, international semi-rural community.






Lagos Marina: 3 bedroom apartment close to all amenities

A spacious, recently refurbished 3 bedroom apartment overlooking the Marina and walking distance to supermarkets, cafes, restaurants and the beach.





Best International Real Estate Websites: Buy Property Abroad

One look at the best international real estate websites and everyone will realise that buying and owning a property is no longer a case of stay close to home. Investing in the overseas sector is a favourable endeavour for many investors who seek to boost their portfolio, or take advantage of Golden Visa programs offered by countries to attract money from outside.




RCEPI present Portuguese-English dictionaries to young students

For the 12th successive year Rotary Club Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) has presented to each 5th year student of the School “Poeta Emiliano da Costa” in Estoi a valuable gift: a Portuguese / English dictionary.



Cinderella - Tickets are now on sale

As the cast of THE ALGARVEANS drama group rehearse their November production of CINDERELLA, the crew are hard at work behind the scenes preparing this year’s pantomime. In case you’ve ever wondered what goes into a production, here is an explanation given by Jenni Bekker - an experienced stage manager.



Solidarity Gala - Nov 18th

The Rotary Club of Loulé is organizing a Solidarity Gala to support mental health, in partnership with the Algarve Mental Health Association (ASMAL).





St Andrew's Ball 2023 - Nov 25th

The Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve is delighted to announce that we will be having our Saint Andrew’s Ball on Saturday 25th November. Once again it will be at the marvellous 5-star Penina Hotel, which always looks after us so very well.




To see more info about events coming up in the next few weeks, check out

My Guide Algarve's event calendar



For latest information and advice regarding crime, wildfires and the Covid-19 pandemic, visit the

Safe Communities Portugal website



Everything you need to know if you are moving to, living in or visiting the Algarve.

AngloInfo website


‍Have a great week, from the Algarve Daily News team!


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