From Portugal, Stories of Saudade and Other Things... stories beyond sardines and pastéis de nata

From Portugal, Stories of Saudade and Other Things... stories beyond sardines and pastéis de nataStories of Saudade and Other Things is a new podcast for anyone interested in real stories about Portugal. There are two versions of the podcast, one in Portuguese, one in English, produced simultaneously, every two weeks. It is produced by Marco António, a Portuguese TV Journalist and writer, and Lucy Pepper, a British artist and writer living in Portugal since the last century.

Portugal has many fascinating stories to tell. With that in mind, a Portuguese journalist and a British artist joined forces to create a podcast that is the ultimate in simple down-to-earth story-telling about the Portugal, and they make it in both Portuguese and English, so everyone can hear the stories.

CLICK HERE for the English version.
CLICK HERE for the Portuguese version.

Each episode is based on an interview with someone with a great story to tell. The story can be about anything, whether it be a person, an object or a place, anywhere in the country. It may be about an unknown story about a grand happening or about something simple and quotidian. The interviewees come from a wide range of backgrounds, and will even include Portuguese abroad and foreigners who live in Portugal. The episodes are between 15 and 25 minutes long, and are currently published fortnightly.

To date, there are episodes about a brilliant engineer in his 80s whose education ended with primary school, a beautiful abandoned theatre, the beginnings of the Monument to the Discoveries, and a road in the Terras do Sado named after a one-armed man.

Each story is interesting in itself and, over time, the podcast will give a broader picture of what real Portugal is and was, beyond the narrow image seen broadcast across the foreign press and internet at the moment, and their obsession with pastéis de nata, sardines and fado. It can be difficult for non-Portuguese speakers to discover new and old stories about the place. Stories of Saudade is the perfect way to get an insight into genuine Portugal, its past and its present.

The Portuguese version of the podcast is already very popular in Portugal, having already hit the iTunes number one spot several times, as a breath of fresh story-telling air. Carefully edited and curated by two people who want to show Portugal in a new light, to the Portuguese and to the rest of the world.

On the respective website of each version are extra materials for each episode, photographs and sometimes further audio tracks. There are also buttons to press if listeners have a good story they would like to hear turned into an episode, or if they would like to support the podcast, to help it continue telliong stories long into the future.

The podcast is available via iTunes/Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts, Soundcloud and both and


Stories of Saudade – (iTunes);
Histórias de Portugal - (iTunes);


Marco António
T: +315 964543831

Lucy Pepper
T: +351 918380848


From Portugal, Stories of Saudade and Other Things... stories beyond sardines and pastéis de nata