Dinner to Salute the Memory of Fellow Past-Governor Abílio Lopes

Dinner to Salute the Memory of Fellow Past-Governor Abílio LopesRotary Club Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) proudly hosted a memorial dinner for the late Abilio Lopes past 1960 District Governor.  The event was jointly organised by RCEPI, the Abilio Lopes Group of Friends and Estoi School belonging to the Pinheiro e Rosa Group of Schools.

Could this be the last Saint Andrew’s Society Burns Supper in Silves?

Could this be the last Saint Andrew’s Society Burns Supper in Silves?The Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve duly held their Burns Supper at the Ponte Romana restaurant in Silves on Saturday 25 January. The Supper was a resounding success with 100 participants.

Algarve Farewell Burns Supper - Jan 25th 2025

Algarve Farewell Burns Supper - Jan 25th 2025The Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve is delighted to announce that we will once again be holding our Burns Supper at the Ponte Romana restaurant, in Silves on Saturday 25 January 2025.  

Excellent turn out for the first ASB ride of 2025

Excellent turn out for the first ASB ride of 2025On Friday 10th of January, the Algarve Senior bikers held their first ride of 2025, with 35 bikes involved in the ride divided into three groups for safety reasons, and out of consideration for other road users. 

Algarve Senior Bikers Charity lunch tops off a successful year!

 Dave Shirley and Dra Isabel Barrocas, the director of  GaivotaOn Thursday the 12th of December, which also happens to be my birthday, I had the pleasure of hosting the Algarve Senior Bikers Charity lunch. 

Rotary Club helps the Community Centre, the Old People's Home and the Creche

Left to right: Chair of RCEPI Community Working Group, Anne Gompel, Mariana Santos, secretary, Diàcono Luis Galante, Presidente direção and Christine Fay, Past President RCEPI.Estoi Community Centre was founded to contribute to the cultural and social promotion of all the inhabitants of the parish, whatever their religious beliefs, by fostering solidarity and the active participation of the population, to form a cohesive community.

Sing Bella, sing!!!

Sing Bella, sing !!!Music is the food of the soul, singing in our chorus called Bella Acapella deeply unites us with others, creates strange and solid bonds because it takes us on a journey where each uniqueness mixes with the others to create the harmony of major and subtle chords.

Rotary International District Governor visits Estoi Palace Rotary Club

Rotary International District Governor visits Estoi Palace Rotary ClubRotary Club Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) had the honour of welcoming Paulo Taveira de Sousa, Rotary International District Governor (DG), during his recent visit. This significant occasion provided the Club with the opportunity to showcase its work within the local community and beyond.