
Studio Bongard are relocating after 22 years!

Tara and Sylvain Bongard It is with a little sadness that at the end of June this year Tara and Sylvain Bongard will leave their studio space of 22 years in Ferragudo.  It's the place they have worked, lived and raised their children  - the memories are strong. The couple are however concluding the final phase of their new gallery and "Sculpture Garden" at "Quinta do Pomar Velho", on the edge of the mountain town of Monchique, opening a little sooner than originally thought!

Studio Bongard are relocating after 22 years!Sylvian told us "In these recent times of social detachment, we have been given the unique opportunity to focus our concentration and creativity, day after day, for many weeks, on what we love to do so much: creating ceramic sculptures. Our work has been so widely appreciated by our clients and we remain very grateful for that. 
In order to continue we ask you to keep your support for our work, unfortunately we are in a country that offers no encouragement or financial support, until now we have endured the logistic and production cost of every exhibition we have made. It is although essential for us to exhibit to boost our imagination and gain the pleasure to know our work is seen more widely.

We are constantly looking for new subject to express ourselves and new locations to exhibit, we aim for positive feelings, with a hint of humor and always love!"

Tara and Sylvain  have also been improving their online shop (small items), and website (individual sculptures). If you are looking for something particular please get in touch.

You can find the new Bongard Gallery and Sculpture Garden at Sitio do Pomar Velho, Monchique. See map.

GPS:  37°19'04.6"N 8°33'32.7"W
W: www.studiobongardonlineshop.com | www.studiobongard.com


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