
Vilamoura: The World Trailer Awards Winners Are Announced

THE WORLD TRAILER AWARDS WINNERS ARE ANNOUNCEDTivoli Vilamoura Marina was centre stage for the inaugural World Trailer Awards awards ceremony, on Saturday the 26th of February. We were fortunate to have the outstanding Portuguese actor Sónia Balacó as the presenter for the whole ceremony. Spy Manor Productions have been working behind the scenes to bring the first-ever WTA to the Algarve and are pleased to share the event via media partner DEADLINE.

Peter Ogunsalu of Spy Manor Productions has been in discussions with Evelyn Brady-Watters, Cofounder of the 21-year-old GTA's Golden Trailer Awards, to launch the World Trailer Awards for some time. We were thrilled when finally, after some tough, established competition, we managed to bring the first-ever WTA to the stunning Algarve.

 World Trailer Awards , VilamouraThe Regional Winners were selected by a high profile international jury that consisted of top-level directors, producers, actors, writers, executives and advertising creatives.

Winners were awarded top prizes in the form of innovative NFT art pieces for delivering stand-out marketing content for their global entertainment sector at the World Trailer Awards inaugural annual awards ceremony. World Trailer Awards Winners including Halston, Ozark, Last Night In Soho' & 'The Tomorrow War'.

Streamed on Sunday the 27th of February at around 21.30, it has already created quite a stir, promoting the Algarve as a hot location for the industry

View the full ceremony HERE.

Special thanks go to our local supporters, Alexandra Ramos, Senior MICE & Weddings Manager from Algarve Tourism Board; Manuel Baptista Coordinator of the Loulé Film Office, writers Vera Casaca and Nélia M Tulik from the Spy Manor Productions Scriptwriters workshop and Harry Klunder from Production Algarve, a pioneer in the Algarve movie-making who attended the ceremony.

From further afield, Matt Brubaker, CEO and creative director of Trailer Park Worldwide; Evelyn Brady-Watters GTA Co-founder and Film Producer Debbie Vandermeulen, who all flew in with their associates from the USA.

Peter OgunsaluVanda Everke, CEO of Spy Manor Productions, said "It has indeed been a tremendous honour to bring the WTA to the Algarve! As with everything we do, our primary goal is to put the Algarve on the map as a versatile, accessible
and welcoming filming location. We are passionate about this region and contributing to turning it into one of the most spectacular lifestyle destinations. As Executive producers of the two feature films recently shot in the Algarve, we are passionate about bringing the industry leaders to Portugal. We are eager to see this region of Portugal flourish and drive the development of film and high tech industries here."

"At Spy Manor Productions, we live and breathe movies inspired by our surroundings and the characters we meet. So much so that we are developing properties inspired by the movie themes. The first one, a frontline spaceship-shaped house, is currently being constructed here in the Algarve. We are grateful that the WTA team and the festivals' founders have chosen the Algarve and look forward to seeing many awards ceremonies grace our shores in the coming years.
The spirit of entertainment and the celebration of storytelling connect us with the WTA and the Social Media Trailer track creators. Expressing ourselves through a visual medium and engaging with our audiences, making an impact and leading the way."

Trudy Bellinger, "The World Trailer Awards, are creating an incredible community of global marketing talent." "They are the marketing content creators who should be recognised, and some of them are and will emerge as important global voices."

Executive Director of the World Trailer Awards, Dean Wheeler, said, "We're delighted to create the awards environment for the world's amazing and often unacknowledged talent that creates entertainment marketing. Regardless of how difficult these last two years have been, we're humbled to honour the spectacular work of creative industry professionals whose skills shine through and continue to inspire everyone to engage with the world of entertainment."

Evelyn Brady-Watters, Co-founder of the GTA's Golden Trailer Awards, stated, "We're thrilled to announce the Regional finalists for the inaugural World Trailer Awards and grateful for the opportunity
to showcase their outstanding work and announce the overall winners in the beautiful and culturally rich Vilamoura."

Entertainment marketing content created between January 2020-December 2021 from Cinema, T.V. (Broadcast/Cable), Gaming, Podcast & Radio, Streaming Services and Social Media were invited to enter the World Trailer Awards. Regional winners were voted on and selected from Africa, Asia, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East & North Africa and North America & Caribbean.

The World Trailer Awards is powered by AMD and is honoured to announce the Regional Winners:

Best Online Advertising
Archie Walker
Netflix Documentaries (Ignition Creative London)

Best Trailer
Kelly Adelman
Halston (Trailer Park Group)

Best Outdoor Advertising
Danièle Morkel, Andrew Lerma and Kristine Yan
Ozark Season 4 (Netflix Creative Studio U.S.)

Best Poster
Danièle Morkel
Cocaine Cowboys (Netflix Creative Studio U.S.)

Best Experiential Marketing
Heather McClure
The Tomorrow War (Prime Video)

GAMING presented by Peter Ogunsalu of Spy Manor Productions

Best Trailer
Luca Dalco
Martha is Dead (Wired Productions & LKA)

SOCIAL MEDIA Presented by Vanda Everke of Spy Manor Productions

Best Online Advertising
Andrew Snook
The Courier (Silk Factory)

Best Experiential Marketing
Will Handley
Seven Samurai (The Picture Production Company)

T.V. (BROADCAST & CABLE) Presented by Karen Nunn of Stratagem

Best Poster
George Smith
Look Away (Ignition Creative London)

Best Print Advertising
Mikko Toivonen
Europe From Above (The Walt Disney Company Nordic & Baltic)

Best Online Advertising
Aaron Kelly
The Serpent (Think Jam)

CINEMA Presented by Micaela Romanini from Vigamus

Best Poster
Adam Cockerton
Mein Sohn (The Dream Factory Film Advertising GmbH)

Best Online Advertising
Joe Argent
Last Night In Soho (Zealot U.K.)

Best Outdoor Advertising
Joe Argent
Last Night In Soho (Zealot U.K.)

Best Experiential Marketing
Gautam Ahuja and Mayura Tripathi
83 – The Film (Reliance Entertainment Studios Pvt. Ltd. & Phantom Films Pvt. Ltd.)

Best Trailer
Walter Bienz
River (The Solid State)

STREAMING SERVICES Presented by Kelly Warnell of Hearst Entertainment


The World Trailer Awards - The World Trailer Awards honours the outstanding achievements of theworld's best creatives, marketing the world's best entertainment across Cinema, T.V.(Broadcast/Cable), Gaming, Podcast & Radio, Streaming Services and Social Media.

The World TrailerAwards celebrate and profile the strategic and creative excellence of the entertainment marketers andcreatives delivering audiences for the entertainment industry worldwide.

The Golden Trailer Awards - The Golden Trailer Awards were founded in 1999, informed by a passionand love of the power of movie trailers, and have grown to become the gold standard of excellence inmovie and streaming marketing with a huge industry following as well as a global fan base of movieand trailer fans.

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