Earth Escape - Free limited copies available now!

Earth EscapeAn epic and thrilling space odyssey!  A voyage to the stars, takes Jim Tale, the captain of the starship Evolution, on a metaphysical trek to the edge of the universe in search of a new home for humanity and the answers to our existence.

With the release of EARTH ESCAPE, my newest novel, a philosophical sci-fi space thriller, I am offering a limited-time FREE copy of the book as part of the release campaign. This offer expires soon. The only request to those receiving the free copy is that you take the time to post your review of the book to Amazon at this link: WRITE A REVIEW.

"A fast-paced science-fiction novel that intertwines elements of suspense, romance, while tackling some of life's biggest questions, Earth Escape: Odyssey to the Edge of the Universe by Real Laplaine is an engaging, thought-provoking read."
See full book review by Red City Review HERE.

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If you prefer to order the book, go HERE.

Réal Laplaine  
Author of high concept thrillers