
Meet the Conditions by Robert Lee Horttor

Meet the Conditions by Robert Lee HorttorA man with roots in depression era Oklahoma shares a few of his experiences.

Every man who walks this planet casts a shadow – a shadow of influence that affects those around him. Sometimes for good. Sometimes for bad. This book reflects the shadow cast by a man who came to know the grace of God and learned to live life through the prism of that grace. 

With candor, Bob shares events and experiences, reflections of ministry and people he's met – real happenings taken out of real life. Bob's story, both the humorous and serious parts will bless you. Too, you will see how God can use an individual who yields to Him. Bob Horttor is a musician, a song writer, a witness for   Christ, and a preacher of the Gospel.

"Sinner has a dream. Does nothing. Sinner has same dream but a voice of warning is added after the video goes off. Sinner starts reading the BIBLE. SinnerRobert Lee Horttor believes, starts going to church. Believer wants to receive the HOLY GHOST. Believer is Baptized first in water and then in the HOLY GHOST. Balance of book covers things GOD said to believer and how HE ( GOD ) moved in the life of the believer, his family and friends. Also told are more dreams and miracles and how you may receive the promises of GOD. The book illustrates how members of the BODY of CHRIST minister to one another and the  importance that all minister to sinners and to one another. Your rewards will be great. JESUS is the MESSIAH."

It is a privilege for me to know this man – both as his pastor, and co-laborer with him, but most of all, as his friend. Blessed reading!

David Albright 

Alive Center Copies available at createspace.com/3383992, amazon.com and barnsandnoble.com 

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