
“Reiki Without Rules” by Keith Beasley

Reiki Without RulesThis is a new book from Keith, a local author, explaining how the learning and experience of practicing Reiki has enabled him to become the person he is today.

The book gives a broad over-view of the subject and is aimed at those wishing to know more about Reiki healing in all its forms. Keith believes that it “is all things to all men” and determines in our own time if we are receptive to it.The book is a guide to using Reiki to help ourselves and others; enabling us to “go with the flow” and enjoy our lives following our natural instincts about things.


To many people the subject seems mysterious and Keith tries to dispel the uncertainties by putting the history of Reiki into perspective; stating that it is not really important how it arrived in the Western world; just be glad that it is here now, in any shape or form we decide, it can help us when we most need it for personal growth. It is used in many guises shapes and forms, but if it works for you, why knock it? There are, as he is fond of stating often, “NO RULES”! If we cast our doubts aside and just let it be, we will be shown the correct path to take or the right action to perform.

All the principles of Reiki are covered, through the channeling of the mind to hands on healing. There are many aspects and levels of Reiki and everyone young or old can benefit, if they are open to the experience.Having never gone down the road of self-help books before, I was surprised at how absorbed I became, and how interested I was in the subject matter. It is one of the joys of having a bookshop with such diverse titles to dip into!

“Reiki Without Rules”  by Keith Beasley
The Owl Story English Bookshop Lagos. Price 18 Euros.

Review by Wendy Davies

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