
Free local business survey: 'What makes the Algarve attractive to foreign businesses?'

11444Business support service company, Neomarca, has launched an online survey that explores the attractiveness of the Algarve to businesses, and how businesses can better be supported in the future.

This survey collects information that will be presented to local, regional and national authorities, alongside other key research that Neomarca is producing.

Neomarca needs information from a range of business owners to ensure that the views collected are representative of the business community in the region. Even if you are not currently a business owner, Neomarca would like to hear your opinion.

Please complete the online survey now, this should take you approximately 5-10 minutes. The survey will be open from the 10th June until the 10th August.

As a token of our thanks, you will receive a free summary report of the survey results when completed.

Please follow the link below to complete the survey:



About Neomarca:

Neomarca is based in Faro and Lisbon, and is dedicated to supporting businesses and those wishing to establish enterprises in Portugal.

Neomarca provides a range of business consultancy services and now wants to provide the local business community with the opportunity to participate in key research that will have an impact on how businesses are supported in the future.

For more information call: Fiona Vicente 964 490 154 or email fionavicente@neomarca.pt

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