5 Ways To Save Money on Document Translation: Real Stories

5 WAYS TO SAVE MONEY ON DOCUMENT TRANSLATION: REAL STORIESAnyone who ever submitted documents for translation knows that translation does not come cheap. While you can save a lot of money and time by simply using an automated translation tool, doing so would make it very difficult to get a usable piece of translation. Sure, AI and Deep Learning Algorithms are the future of translation, but this future is not now. The real deal of today is human translation.

Finding a Good Translator

Finding a balance between a good, high-quality piece of translation and speed and price-efficiency is not an easy task. High-profile translators charge a lot, often way above what a small business can afford. In contrast, the mediocre translators on the lower side of the pricing ladder often machine-translate a document and then brush up to give your final product.

Luckily for you, there are five ways to save money on document translation:

  1. Define what the target language document should look like,
  2. Write in such a way to ease translation,
  3. Make your language consistent,
  4. Make your writing coherent,
  5. Make yourself available during the translation period.

Define What the Target Language Document Should Look Like

The first thing to do is to think about the document you would like to get. Before you even contact a document translation service, make sure that you have a clear idea of what you want your translation to look like. The translation is so much more than a simple transfer of meaning from one language to another. Defining the purpose of the document properly, the target audience, the tone, and the stance are all very important determinants in your translation price and a realistic timeframe for finishing it.

Write in Such a Way To Ease Translation

The structure of the text and the cultural peculiarities found in it can make the translation easy or difficult - your choice. If you want to get a lower price for the material that you need to have translated, make sure that your document is clear of any:

  • Cultural references (007 resonates strongly with the English and the American audience, but not so much with Asian),
  • Acronyms,
  • Metaphors,
  • Hyperbolas,
  • Colloquialisms,
  • Location-specific knowledge (Times Square has meaning for New Yorkers but is impossible to translate to Mandarin without a change in meaning (Tiananmen Square massacre may resonate here)).


Every piece of text that should be translated will contain several niche-specific words and phrases. You can check out some peculiarities in translation in the housing niche. Most of these words will have their synonyms and phrases that we can and regularly do substitute. On the other side of the spectrum, a translator may have difficulties finding the appropriate synonyms, so always staying clear and on the point with language can help you bring the translation price down.

Make Your Writing Coherent

Making your writing coherent is another important point in negotiating the translation price. A text that has a natural flow of its own and understands that the audience may not know everything that the author does is easy to translate, as the translator will learn about the topic during the preparation reading of the material. Always give examples and explanations as you move through text creation.

Make Yourself Available During the Translation Period

A translation is not a simple submit-and-forget kind of work. You need to be available to the translator, at least for the first document they will be translating for you. To ensure the quality of the material and that the result is what you want and need, be ready to answer some questions.


The best translation is a result of cooperation between the person who needs translation service and the translator. Communicating clearly and coherently with your translator will ensure satisfying cooperation and a lower price. Do what you can to make a translation piece as easy as possible, and your translator will reward you.

Barbara Fielder

Barbara Fielder tries to make the most of her multilingual upbringing. She is on the top in her field, thanks to German and French online courses. She loves traveling and uses every chance to visit Europe.