Is it worth doing e-mail marketing?

IS IT WORTH DOING E-MAIL MARKETING?The e-mail is seen daily by a large part of the population. Therefore, the answer to the question ‘is it worth doing e-mail marketing’ seems simple, right? But maybe you need to consider not only how often you check your e-mail every day, but also what is really relevant to you in your inbox.

So, is doing e-mail marketing really a ‘healthy’ option and one worthy of investment by a company?

A bit of history

E-mail marketing was created in 1978 by Gary Thuerk and, interestingly enough, this was also considered the first SPAM ever. He sent a computer promotion to 400 people (without their permission) and got an unexpected revenue boost. But since then, there are really some things you shouldn't use anymore.

Analysis as a user

Let's think together: how many times have you signed up for a newsletter?

Once or twice? Several times even? Or, if you're an extremist with the (not so) new (but still ‘challenging’) data protection law, have you cancelled everything and now your e-mail inbox is a desert where, every now and then, a stray advertising ‘mouse’ walks through? Metaphors aside, the data protection law came and filter the senders’ databases, leaving the subscribers who are interested in receiving your information. Note that, as a user, you only subscribe because you like the topic and would like to be up to date with it.

Now, sometimes the information they send is really in line with us; sometimes it was almost there; and sometimes (more than the law should ensure) it is not for you at all.

From the user's point of view, we see the configuration of choices in terms of newsletter subscriptions based on the following four criteria:

- Topics we really like;

- Temporary information search, to find out more about a specific subject, such as house hunting, for instance;

- To have access to promotions, namely those from the supermarket, where we prefer to give the e-mail address as the main contact;

- And the others, the ‘infiltrators’, that, in general, we immediately unsubscribe of.

Considering this perspective (and please do tell us if you have any other category in your e-mail inbox), there is only one way out for us in what doing e-mail marketing as a company is concerned – do it well and forget some of the practices that clearly belong in the past!

Thinking and executing e-mail marketing

To help you do e-mail marketing and make this process quicker and more intuitive, let's rapidly dismantle its three pillars and temptations: the goal, the recipients and the content. Let us thus look at each one of them:

- The goal of this tool is to reach new customers, and thus increase incoming leads (where potential clients’ contacts are also included), and influence the purchase decision process – this is clear.

- The recipients will be those to whom we will send the newsletters, and that we have to determine. Ideally, they would be an extension of your group of loyal customers who have not yet discovered you – at this point, eliminate any world conquering aspirations that you may have because, from experience we tell you, when not pulled into reality in time, they turn into database purchases with (false) promises of segmentation and dubiously acquired e-mail addresses.

- The content to be added is what’s going to ‘touch’ your potential clients. Write custom text and titles. Create your design wisely or plan it with professional help, as if it were for your dearest customer (understand ‘dearest’ as a loyal, returning customer who is happy every time they buy). If you feel the temptation to make the information more generic, ‘one size fits all type’, go back to the user's seat and relive the frustration you feel when you receive something that has little juice from the kind you like and thus disappoints you, or when you receive something that is not for you at all.

Basic rules for e-mail marketing

- Respect the data protection law – make sure the subscribers have opted-in to receive your e-mails and ensure they always have a way to unsubscribe;

- Use mobile-friendly templates;

- Before sending out the newsletter, test it and share it with your colleagues or friends to make sure everything is working properly (don't forget to click on all the links);

- Create a space in your conscience where you realise (and remember) that both the newsletters and the whole e-mail marketing process is an ongoing job. You need to analyse the subscribers’ interaction metrics with the e-mails you send for permanent improvement and to increase their efficiency.

To conclude, let us tell you that, contrary to what seems to be the general idea, people have not developed an aversion to e-mail marketing, they have created an aversion to some of its practices. Avoid them and you have nothing to worry about!

And going back to the initial question, is it thus worth doing e-mail marketing? Yes, it is, but done properly! And, as usual, if you need help with this or any other part of your digital marketing strategy , just reach to us, we’ll be delighted to assist you.

For more information, bespoke strategies and efficient digital marketing solutions, just contact the Clarity’s girls or visit our website at