ASB Members brave the cold in the hills

Ride organisers David (left) and SteveSunny skies, cold winds and the possible threat of a sudden shower did not stop 18 riders taking part in the first ride of 2017. 

The ride was moved to Saturday 28th after the heavy rain earlier in the week caused the postponement. Group organiser David Shirley led the ride up into the hills to São Barnabe where a stop was made at the cafe next to the fonte for a warming coffee.

The first half of the ride was from the start in Paderne via the IC1 through São Marcos, before going east into the hills.
The second half of the ride was led by Joachim Heinsen on his VW powered trike, directed by co pilot and navigator Steve Wills, taking the road up through the mountains to the viewpoint at Malhão before the steep descent to Benafim and on to Foral near SB Messines for a very nice lunch at Restaurant O Foral.

Next Event in February is being planned and details will be on the website soon.

David Shirley - Organiser

Photos by John Heffernan 

The group on the bridge at the Fonte at Sao Barnabe