Almancil International Rotary Club fund-raising to build a créche

Almancil International Rotary Club fund-raising to build a crécheAlmancil International Rotary Club (AIRC) has held a number of fund-raising events in support of the Associação Social e Cultural de Almancil, known locally as ASCA. Since it was founded in August 1992 ASCA has provided, amongst many other things, a Day Centre and a Residential Home for the elderly, home care services, together with social and economic support to families.

It’s latest and perhaps most ambitious project is to build a crèche for up to 147 children up to the age of 5. The project has already been presented to the Câmara Municipal Loulé and is awaiting the building permit. It is hoped that the work will begin during the second half of 2017 and will take approximately one year and cost in the region of one million euros excluding equipment.

Mark Hulit presenting the cheque to President Hermes Alberto“When we heard about this ambitious project” said AIRC Chair of Community Services Peter Hinze, “our members wanted to organise some events so that we could, in our small way, contribute, especially as the crèche will benefit so many local families, including disadvantaged families”.

One such event was the Christmas market held in conjunction with the Freguesia of Almancil. At a recent Rotary dinner, Chair of Club Services Mark Hulit was delighted to present a cheque for 3,122 euros to the President of ASCA Hermes Alberto. Coincidentally Hermes is also the current President of the Almancil Rotary Club.

“I had first-hand knowledge of how hard the members worked to make the Christmas Market a success” said Hermes, “I and everyone at ASCA appreciate their efforts and the amount that was raised is very much appreciated. We are lucky to have the support of many local organisations and businesses large and small and we’re really appreciative of everything they do for us. We would not be able to provide the support and facilities we do without their generosity”.

AIRC is planning more fund-raising events for the crèche including a car rally in May and a concert in June. “We welcome like-minded people to our club and if anyone is interested in becoming a member we would like to hear from them”.
