Spring lunch with the Algarve Archaeological Association

Spring lunch with the Algarve Archaeological AssociationMembers and friends of the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) recently enjoyed a very successful Spring lunch at the São Domingos Restaurant in Guia. A long-standing member, Glenis Vowles, was presented with flowers as she was thanked for her years of work for the AAA.

All monies raised are given in grants to archaeological projects throughout Portugal.

Madam President Jenny Compton (L) with Maryse Van Buuren & Brenda Hindley | Glenis Vowles with her flowers | Lunch at São Domingos Restaurant, Guia

Photos: Madam President Jenny Compton (L) with Maryse Van Buuren & Brenda Hindley | Glenis Vowles with her flowers | Lunch at São Domingos Restaurant, Guia