15th Annual General Meeting of the St. Patrick's Society

St Patricks Society, AlgarveThe 15th Annual General Meeting of the St. Patrick's Society of the Algarve was held in the Lagoa Hotel on Thursday May 18th. 35 members attended the meeting and the dinner following.
After a lively discussion regarding the future of the Society, the following members were elected as officers for the year 2017 / 2018:
Chairman : Jim Brownlow.
Secretary : Teresa Ferreira.
Treasurer : Neil Rodgers.

It was decided that the Committee would concentrate on organising 4 of the most popular and best attended events, namely:

The end - of - Summer Party (September 2017).
A pre - Christmas Social Gathering (December).
The annual Putting Competition (February 2018).
The Celebration of St. Patrick, our main event (March 2018).

In addition, other functions will be organised by Members with the backing of the Committee, during the year to encourage more involvement by our members.

Also, the popular Monthly Walks programme will commence at the end of Septenber. Generally they will be on the last Saturday of each month, with John O'Neill as coordinator.

For more info regarding the  St Patricks Society Algarve please see HERE.