ASB riders up in the clouds

Cachopo, where a stop was made at the cafe in the village squareAfter the heat wave the sunny skies were replaced by damp cloudy conditions for the start of the June ride in Paderne. The possible threat of a sudden shower did not stop 18 riders taking part in the ride on the 21st. 

Lead rider Bris Phillips led the ride up into the hills to Cachopo where a stop was made at the cafe in the village square. By this time the sun had arrived and it was nice to enjoy a break and a drink under the vines which shade the outside terrace.

The first half of the ride was from the start in Paderne via Alte and Baranco Velho before going east into the hills.
The second half of the ride taking the road up through the mountains to the highpoint at Alcaria de Cume before the steep descent to Moncarapcho and on to Olhao for a very nice lunch at Restaurant O Franguinho.

A coffee break in the village square cafe in Cachopo, and lunch at Restaurant O Franguinho in Olhão

Photos by John Bacon and myself show the group at the cafe in Cachopo, and at the lunch in Olhao.

The day was organised by Mike Bristow with the help of lead rider Bris Phillips.

Next Event is being planned and details will be on the website soon.

Facebook: Algarve-Senior-Bikers