Celebrating the end of the Rotary year in style

Celebrating the end of the Rotary year in styleAlmancil International Rotary Club (AIRC) celebrated the end of the Rotary year in style on 5 July with a grand dinner meeting held at the Conrad Hotel in Quinta do Lago. With a delicious meal prepared by the Conrad chefs, the meeting was attended by more than 90 Rotarians and guests.

Outgoing President Hermes Alberto outlined the achievements of the club during his term which included many fund-raising events which helped local charities and schools including donations to Associação Social e Cultural de Almancil towards a new crèche, surfing and paddle boarding lessons for children with special needs, dental treatment for adults with learning disabilities and much more. He praised all the members who had worked so hard on the Rotary Youth Exchange Scheme and, not forgetting the school’s cookery competition organised by Rotarians Alan Winn and Peter Hinze.

L-R: Peter Hinze,,Claire Busbridge,,Pamela Winn and Hermes AlbertoHermes was also delighted to introduce a new member to the club, Mo Gova. His final act as President was the awarding of a Rotary Paul Harris Fellowship. AIRC reserves this award for a person who has made an outstanding contribution to the club. On this occasion the award was presented to Pamela Winn. Whilst not a member of AIRC Pam, (together with her husband Alan both members of Silves Rotary Club) provided invaluable service and support to AIRC during the year.

It was also farewell to Peter Hinze as Master of Ceremonies, a duty he has performed many times and for the last three years consecutively.
Peter’s role will be taken over by new President Claire Busbridge’s husband Sandy Glennie and will be the first time a husband and wife have been on the Board.
President Hermes closed the first half of the meeting and handed over the chain of office to President Claire who, with her new team will take the club forward for the year 2017/2018.

During the second half of the meeting, Claire outlined her program for the coming year which will include continuing support for young people in the community and a special evening of entertainment with a grand dinner in August to raise funds for the victims of the recent devastating fire which left many people in desperate circumstances. Places are limited so early booking is required.

During dinner guests were treated to a performance on the accordion by 12 year-old the award winning champion musician Inés Faria and the end of the evening was celebrated with a performance by Vernon Delalpo.

Membership details: president@rotaryalmancil.org
Grand dinner event information/reservations:  madelinecrouch@yahoo.co.uk