The work of the FJCSP

Foundation of the Jewish Community of South PortugalWe would like to give you a little update about the Foundation of the Jewish Community of South Portugal (FJCSP) and its work. As you might know the Foundation is still very young. So far the Foundation realized some of its goals, like organizing/sponsoring events, bringing a Sefer Torah to the Algarve, and trying to rebuild some Jewish infrastructure.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of manpower and assistance, the Foundation has decided to put the practical work on hold. And so, for now there will be no more organizing of communal events and high holidays.

The focus of the Foundation will, for now, turn into granting *. This way we can encourage projects that are within the goals of the foundation: in short, to rebuild Judaism in the Algarve. The projects can be anything from organizing communal events and high holidays up to creating a Jewish cemetry, or accomplishing special programs, cultural, social or religious.
The Foundation hopes to sponsor also Jewish heritage-projects. We would really like to see more research in the Algarve. There is a lot of Jewish history still 'buried' here in the Algarve.

Here is a little update about the remarkable find of last year, the 'Cortes stone'. This stone shows us Jewish presence in the Algarve, possibly long before Roman time. Further digging is going on, and it would be exciting if more items, related to Judaism, would be found in the near future! 
Also, Jewish tourism in the Algarve should be stimulated. Furthermore, services can be organized on request.

*Please note, we do not make grants for personal needs or business assistance. To apply for a grant/sponsoring we will need o.a. the following;

 - general information about yourself or your organization
 - List of those who would carry out the project
 - Description of the project and its purpose
 - Estimated project budget, financing (other grants, donors), time frame

Right know our budget will only allow small projects/initiatives.

For questions and information, sponsoring and contributions please contact the FJCSP.

T: 00351 - 922206333
Please note, the website will be under construction due to the changes