Cordial company and social Bridge

Bridge Club afternoon with Frank SpelbosCoordinating two groups of Bridge players in Loulé and São Brás, Frank Spelbos explains, “The aims of both groups are similar. To enjoy the challenge of playing Duplicate Bridge and to meet new people in the local neighbourhood.”

Bridge Club afternoon with Frank SpelbosThere are spaces to include new members of all abilities and nationalities into both groups. An afternoon consists of circulating between six tables and playing four boards of Bridge at each. A break is convened at the middle of the session.

Frank provides all the equipment, results are stored using the Bridgemate system and at the end of the afternoon these are fed into a computer that immediately ranks the players and provides the overall scores. In order that players can keep an ongoing personal record, Frank then emails them to their computers.

In Loulé the venue is restaurant ‘O Bonito’ where games take place in an airy and spacious dining room with panoramic views across the hills. At least half of the players stay on for an early evening meal, Frank having negotiated a special rate of 7.50 euros for a two-course dinner.

In São Brás Frank’s Bridge Club is held in an air-conditioned room at the museum. During the afternoon break and when the game is over, players benefit from the museum’s café and other on-site facilities. The atmosphere is convivial with new players warmly welcomed by the group.

Frank qualified as a Bridge teacher in Holland and is an accomplished player. He also provides lessons for beginners and refresher courses.

O Bonito, Goldra de Baixo, Loulé – every Thursday from 14.30. Charge €1.
Museu do Trajo, São Brás – every Friday from 14.00. Charge €1,50 for Friends of the Museum and €2,50 for others.

For more information please contact Frank Spelbos:     

T: 289 516 769 | 937 802 110