
Lagos Animal Protection Society

Lagos Animal Protection Society (LAPS)In 1980 we were the first animal protection society to be established in the Algarve. We do not euthanase until the animal itself decides that life is not worth living, and therefore feel we are entitled to call ourselves a Sanctuary.

How you can help us ... 

MAKE A DONATION – As you can imagine the costs of our work are ever increasing. 

VOLUNTEER – Our need for volunteer workers who are dedicated to the care of animals is immediate.

PARTNERSHIP SOUGHT – We are looking for someone of integrity who would join us here at the Sanctuary. Someone already experienced in animal welfare work. There are heartbreaks but also rewards not found in many other vocations. The love and trust given one by an animal who has known nothing but abuse, whose eyes reflect their gratitude, who vie with one another to be first to push their head into your hand, who greet you with overwhelming joy, is what makes this work so satisfying. 

ADOPTION – All our animals are vaccinated and sterilised, everyone an individual, so before you go out and buy an animal why not think about a rescue one that will be truly grateful for your love.

SPONSOR – donate money to sponsor an animal.

FOSTER – short or long term foster care of an animal would be gratefully appreciated.

Just one of our Happy Endings over the last 30 years..........

"Dear Bridget,

My youngest son and I were please to find your website ( http://www.laps.iperium.com/about-us.htm ). My eldest son, Simon Walker, introduced into our life the most loving member of the family (I say this although I have had 6 children!) This wonderful family member was called Emma. Simon brought her to the UK from Portugal, where she spent some time with you, in about 1985/86.Emma

She lived with Simon and his wife Alison in Slough and Windsor until their imminent move to central London. Although Emma had visited us in Worcestershire several times we were delighted when, because central London was unsuitable for Emma, she came in 1987 to live with us in Worcestershire.

The 10th anniversary of the twin towers attack in New York is coming up and we are reminded of Emma's leaving us for the next world the day after that, i.e. 12th September 2001.

We are forever aware that the years Emma spent with us were some of the best of our lives. She was indeed the most loved and loving "furry family member". We shall never forget her and hope to meet her once more, never to be parted.

We were glad to discover you on the internet and to read the articles about your good work. Long may your noble efforts continue!

Yours sincerely, Sheila and Ben Walker"

HELP US TO HELP THEM!Lagos Animal Protection Society

Telephone: Bridget on (00351) 282 687 334
Email: laps@sapo.pt

Monte Ruivo · Odiaxere · 8600 Lagos · Algarve · Portugal
Charity No. 502774290

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