The Golden Ticket

THE GOLDEN TICKETFor Rotary Club Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) it has been a difficult 12 months as many of its regular fundraising events have had to be cancelled due to Covid 19 restrictions. Despite the problems, its members have continued to meet every week but almost all of its meetings, often with national and international speakers, have been held on Zoom.

To help stem the shortfall of much needed funds RCEPI members have come up with inventive ways to raise money such as an online Cat Show; a Rotary Photography Competition on the subject of life in lockdown (open until May 31st); a Donate and Send an eCard project; and the recently launched Happy Bears project where members of the public can sponsor a hand-crafted Teddy Bear to help disadvantaged children and also sign up to online lessons on how to crochet the bears for sponsorship.  

By way of a big thank you, members had the opportunity to draw a Golden Ticket with the chance to win a gift hamper of Algarve artisan products. The winner was one of RCEPI’s newer members Willem van Milink. The prize, donated by fellow member Richard Thorpe, was supplied and personally delivered to Willem by Stefano Malobbia of Canastra Estoi, an artisan shop selling local foods, Algarve wine and gift products created from local wood.

RCEPI President, Uwe Jönsson, said “There could only be one Golden Ticket winner but it must be said that all our members have responded amazingly during the pandemic. This has helped us to continue our support of those most in need.”

To find out more about Rotary Club Estoi Palace International, or to make a donation to help those most disadvantaged in our community, please visit its website .  You can also subscribe to our quarterly  Newsletter.