AWL Croquet Club raise the flag

AWL CROQUET CLUB RAISE THE FLAGAt the inaugural meeting and open day of the AWL Croquet club, over 40 members and guests were welcomed to Central Algarve in Moncarapacho. Following raising the flag, several games were played, with the consensus being the effort had been worth it. The lawn played well.

At 12:30, all adjourned to the pool area, and a cheque for 5000 euros was presented to the Centre, raised by the AWL founding members. Funds will be used to build a new gym area for the centre, for use by visitors.

Following the presentation, an excellent BBQ was served up by the centre staff, with a further nearly 1000 euros raised on the day for the centre and the AWL club.

For further information about the AWL Croquet club, please email, or check out AWL Croquet Club on Facebook.

Playing days at the club will be Tuesday – ladies, Friday – mens, Sunday – mixed.