District Governor visits Rotary Club Estoi Palace International

DG Paulo Martins and  RCEPI President Shirley DunneRotary Club Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) was delighted to receive a visit from Paulo Martins our Rotary International 1960 District Governor (DG). The visit took place at Estoi Palace Pousada on Tuesday 8th February. This was an opportunity for the Club to show the DG charity work that has been done in the local community and internationally.

During the visit the DG gave 3 members of the Club Certificates of Merit for long service, over 20 years, to Rotary. The Club gave a presentation of the work that has been done by the Club since its inauguration in 2008.

These achievements include donations of vehicles to the Algarve Oncology Association for mobile cancer testing; a refrigerated truck to the Faro Food Bank; a fully equipped ambulance to the Sao Bras Bombeiros; donating 60.000 litres of milk to the Estoi Casa do Povo along with other goods; assisting students through university and sending them to summer camps; supporting the End Polio Now campaign, to name but a few.

In his speech the DG showed his passion and enthusiasm for the Rotary organisation and the fantastic work it does. He encouraged RCEPI to continue to recruit new members to help those in need both locally and worldwide. The Club gave the DG a Happy Bear from its recent successful fund raiser to help the Refugio in Faro and APEXA in Albufeira plus a donation to his designated charity.

For further information on Rotary Club Estoi Palace International and our upcoming fundraiser to help victims of domestic violence, contact info@rotaryestoipalace.org, www.rotaryestoipalace.org.