Burns Supper 2023 is a resounding success!

BURNS SUPPER 2023 IS A RESOUNDING SUCCESS!The Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve duly held their Burns Supper at the Ponte Romana restaurant in Silves on Saturday 28th January. The Supper was a resounding success with over 130 participants!

Our usual bagpiper Malcolm MacGillivray again came out of retirement to get the evening off to a scintillating start by welcoming guests. Guests enjoyed a glass or two of bubbly sponsored by Blevins Franks. The restaurant welcomed us for this event for many years and is now well practised in preparing and serving the traditional MacSweens haggis, tatties and neeps. I addressed the haggis after it had been piped in and a dram offered to the piper and accompanying “kilties”.

After the main speech – an excellent Immortal Memory by John Hope - the teasing Toast to the Lassies was made by Rod Frew and the more than adequate response on behalf of the lassies was made by Kate Stratton - this was very well received by the ladies!

The assembled company then enjoyed lively and enthusiastic Scottish dancing (conducted by Mardie Cunningham who also made the superb Atholl Brose) – and the proceedings were brought to a close just after midnight with ‘Auld Lang Syne’.

The amber mead – or whisky – for the evening was also very kindly provided by Blevins Franks and was very much appreciated, and Janette Owenson kindly prepared the excellent heather table arrangements. But the success of the evening was due mainly to the work beforehand by Kathy Prentice.

Our next event will be the Saint Andrew’s Ball on 25th November 2023 at the Hotel Penina.

Anyone interested in knowing more about the Society, or even keen to become a member, is welcome to ring Kathy Prentice on 919 635 246. Our Society is small and comprises many nationalities, so no need to be Scots!

And if you would like to give Scottish dancing a try why not speak to Mardie Cunningham, who runs the dancing at the Nobel International School in Porches on Monday evenings.  Her email address is rosevale45@gmail.com

Doug McAdam - Chieftain, Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve