Rotary Club Estoi Palace visits Lisbon Parliament

Rotary members on the Grand Staircase in the Parliament buildingMembers of Rotary Club Estoi Palace International had the great privilege of visiting the Portuguese Parliament in Lisbon on 4 June as guests of our local Member of Parliament for Faro, Cristóvão Norte. The Palácio de São Bento, Saint Benedict's Palace, is the home of the Assembly of the Republic.

The club members travelled by coach to Lisbon and on arrival were met on the steps of the Parliament complex by Cristóvão.

Rotary members outside the Parliament buildingAfter clearing security we were escorted by Cristóvão through the impressive building which has a long history from originally being established as a monastery in 1598. In 1833 the monastery was adapted into the Parliament building. There then followed many further remodellings until in the early part of the 20th century substantial changes were made to bring the building into the form that is familiar today.

Just behind the main building there is a mansion that serves as the residence for the Prime Minister of Portugal. The mansion, dated from 1877, was built within the garden of the old monastery. It has been the Prime Minister's official residence since 1938.

During our tour we walked up the striking Grand Staircase and then entered the imposing Senate Chamber, an historic and impressive room which was originally the upper house but after the establishment of the new constitution in 1976 is now used by committees, for seminars and for international meetings. We then moved into the Session Chamber which is the main chamber where the members of parliament meet to discuss parliamentary business. As the chamber was not meeting in the morning of our visit we were able to sit on the seats normally occupied by the members of the parliament whilst Cristóvão Cristóvão Norte talking to the group in the Parliament Chambergave us a most interesting description of the Chamber and its workings. Each member’s place, which is only as wide as the red leather covered seats, is equipped with modern aids, including a computer station and telephone and members can also use their mobile phones!

We also visited the Hall of Honour where the walls are lined with paintings depicting the Portuguese maritime expansion. Within the hall is a painting of Prince Henry the Navigator, with other paintings depicting Vasco da Gama, Bartolomeu Dias and other explorers.

Our group took lunch in the parliament cafeteria then returned to the Session Chamber to watch the parliamentary session.

Each political party is allotted a maximum amount of time for them to speak on the matter under discussion. The length time is determined by that party’s proportion of the number of members elected to the parliament. The matter being discussed during our visit was a motion to improve the adoption process in Portugal.

All too soon it was time for us to leave to begin the journey home after what was a most interesting visit.

Information about the Lisbon Parliament in English is available on the web site

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