Algarve Senior Bikers on the rough and the smooth

Algarve Senior Bikers on the rough and the smoothTwenty four members attended the ASB ride on the 6th of April, which ended with lunch at the Restaurant O Cyclista on the riverside at Tavira.
The group arrived after meeting in Sao Bras de Alportel and a superb scenic ride through the remote hills of the eastern Algarve. A stop was made for coffee under the vines at the cafe in the centre of the pretty village of Cachopo.

The ride was planned and guided by ASB regulars and first time organizers Ted and Jan Wetselaar, and was a great success with everyone enjoying the beautiful views and some great quiet twisty roads.
There was even a short tricky off road section which turned out to be a bit too tricky for one rider, and his lady pillion passenger who suffered a grazed knee as a result of a slide on some loose gravel.

Apart from this minor mishap it was great day out in brilliant sunshine, and we are all looking forward to Ted and Jan organising another one soon.

Next Events will be announced shortly on the website and Facebook.

David Shirley -Organiser


Photos by John Heffernan

ASB go off road in the East, Coffee in Cachopo, then lunch at O Cyclista, Tavira

ASB go off road in the East, Coffee in Cachopo, then lunch at O Cyclista, Tavira