The British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce helps ZYNGOLF become a reality

The British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce helps ZYNGOLF become a realityThe British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (BPCC) has given a helping hand in the creation of ZYNGOLF - a new concept in worldwide social golf - by introducing the key management players to one another.

ZYNGOLF is the brainchild of Manuel Machado, a Portuguese IT guru who helped in the development of the O’Porto University Information System, a reference in Europe and has already created and sold a successful IT company – Sysnovare SA.

He contacted the BPCC to discuss his business plan and they put him in contact with Gerry Fagan, a management expert responsible for the creation and management of one of Portugal's largest leisure property and golf course portfolio in Portugal.

"I met with Manuel and immediately saw that the technology behind ZYNGOLF was unique and would enable social golfers to enjoy a fun experience with others across the globe. I was delighted to join ZYNGOLF as company Chairman," said Gerry.

The technology behind the ZYNGOLF concept is impressive – real time scoring information, members' interaction on a global scale, iPhone and Android apps, and much more. This interactive platform will enable the management information required to create a worldwide community of golf members who can connect and compete in both the virtual and real world.

Members can play in competitions at their home course and then enter their scores on the ZYNGOLF website. At the end of the season, stage winners and the top ranking players will win an all expenses paid trip to compete in the ZYNGOLF Worldwide Cup at Amendoeira Golf Resort in the Algarve, Portugal on 6th & 7th November 2015.

The BPCC was delighted to help Manuel get the right people on the ZYNGOLF management team and furthermore appreciated that this 'Race to Portugal' will put the spotlight on Portugal as a fabulous golfing destination.

ZYNGOLF provides members with a benefits and privileges package developed by the company in conjunction with its strategic partners. Golf clubs can also showcase their facilities and course(s) on the website to all of ZYNGOLF's members.

ZYNGOLF was officially launched by Christy O'Connor Jnr. at Oceânico's Amendoeira Golf Resort in the Algarve, Portugal on Thursday 7th May 2015 to a very positive reception from all attendees.

Further exciting events are also being planned for the 2016 season - a major in America and another in Europe - providing members with the chance to live the dream of playing for a major title.
