New Homes for Old Gnomes - Helping people in Tavira

New Homes for Old Gnomes - Helping people in TaviraAssociação de Caridade – Mãos de Ajuda (Charity Association – Helping Hands) is now in operation and opened the doors of its new charity shop in Tavira for the first time on 2nd November.

The first item sold was a golf bag and during a brisk morning’s trading many other items including two garden gnomes departed to new homes. The primary aim of the association is to raise money for people in need in and around Tavira which will identify specific projects in due course.

The shop is located at Avenida Dr Eduardo Mansinho, 13A (50m down from the Porta Nova Post Office). Initially it will open on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings from 10am until 1pm.

Stock includes good condition clothing and accessories, household linens and curtains, items for the home, books, and films and music on DVD and CD. Come to browse and buy or, if you have unwanted items, to donate.

For more information visit the shop or telephone 963 558 138 during opening hours.