Obrigado Bombeiros Raises €7,300 For Local Firefighters

João P. CunhaThe 3rd Obrigado, Bombeiros! fundraising event held on 22nd September was a massive success and raised €7,300 for the Bombeiros of Lagoa and Silves.

Around 200 people attended the event at Casa Algarve in Porches. A live auction attracted an amazing response and much generosity from event goers, who got to bid for a variety of goods and services donated by local businesses, including jewellery, artwork, fine wines and dining, boat trips, rounds of golf and stays at 5 star Algarve resorts. Kiss FM’s Sir Owen Gee used his many years of auctioneering experience to maximise the bids.

A tombola, raffle and stalls selling plants and second hand goods, all contributed to the funds raised. Homemade food and cakes, plus beer and wine were available, and the crowd was entertained throughout the afternoon and into the evening, by a diverse range of live music acts.

Obrigado Bombeiros 2018The Obrigado, Bombeiros! team of organisers has formed an official association - Associação Obrigado Bombeiros - committed to raising funds for our local firefighters.

Elaine Evans, one of the event organisers commented: “On behalf of Obrigado, Bombeiros! I would like to thank our numerous sponsors, volunteers and all who attended on the day. Without their support the event would not have been such a huge success.”

The €7300 raised will be divided equally between the Bombeiros of Lagoa and the Bombeiros of Silves.

E: obrigado.bombeiros@hotmail.com
TM: Clarissa Meca (+351) 964 877 032
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/obrigadobombeiroslagoasilves
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/obrigadobombeiros/

A full list of musicians, businesses and organisations that supported the event can be found on the Obrigado, Bombeiros! Facebook event page.