END POLIO NOW Bike Ride 2018

END POLIO NOW Bike Ride 2018The Rotary Club of Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) organised its 4th annual End Polio Now fundraising bike ride with Activity Algarve Bike Rides on Sunday 25th November. The wet weather did not deter the riders and an enthusiastic group turned out to take part.

Two rides were on offer, both around 35 kms and taking up to 3 hours. The riders set off from Estoi Pousada and finished in front of Estoi Church. One group cycled all the way up to the top of the Cerro Sao Miguel on a challenging uphill ride, whilst the other group enjoyed the slightly less strenuous option. Well done to everyone who took part and contributed, donations and sponsorship raised a total of 1000 euros.

The polio virus is spread person to person, typically through contaminated water. It can attack the nervous system, and often leads to paralysis. Although there is no cure, there is a safe and effective vaccine which costs as little as 0.60 cents per dose and a child can be protected against this crippling disease for life. As a result of this campaign India has been polio free for 6 years.

In 2007, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation joined the campaign and since 2013 the Gates Foundation agreed to match two-to-one, every dollar the Rotary Foundation commits to the End Polio Now campaign.
With the 2 to 1 match from the Bill Gates Foundation our 1000 euros becomes a total of 3000 euros towards the End Polio Now campaign.

Rotary Club Estoi Palace International, The Rotary Foundation and the Gates Foundation are determined not to let polio make a comeback.

For further information on RC Estoi Palace International contact moc@estoipalace.org, www.rotaryestoipalace.org and for Activity Algarve Bike Rides contact paul@algarvebikeholidays.com, www.algarvebikeholidays.com

Activity Bike Ride Group plus Christine Fay and Vitor Rosao from RC Estoi Palace International, kneeling holding the banner.