Freemasons help Youth Home in Lagos

Freemasons help Youth Home in LagosThe Lagos based English Freemasons of the Lodge of Discoveries No 9409 have donated nearly €900 of IT equipment and software to the Youth Centre (Lar de Jovens) in Lagos run by Centro de Assistência Social Lucinda Anino dos Santos (CASLAS). The Lodge of Discoveries is part of the group of English Freemasonry lodges in Portugal which in turn is part of the United Grand Lodge of England.

Freemasons help Youth Home in LagosDuring 2017 / 2018, the Lodge of Discoveries raised money to support a charity to be nominated by the leader of the lodge, known as the Worshipful Master. At the time this was Worshipful John Bannister. John found out that the CASLAS youth home was in need of support through Jacquie Collins. Jacquie is a member of the “Lunch Bunch” who help and support CASLAS. Charity is key part of Freemasonry, with the money raised coming mostly from their own pockets.

The Youth Home can trace its origins to the early 1930’s and was the origin of the foundation of CASLAS. It is currently home for boys and girls aged between 3 and 20 years. The Youth Home cares for, those who for any reason, are deprived of a normal family life. The young people are integrated into the local community through schooling, religious life, youth associations, music, dance and sports.

John Bannister presented the IT equipment, including laptops, software and storage discs to Ana Leal, Director of the CASLAS youth home. Also present were Susana Pales from CASLAS and Jacquie Collins. Staples at Parchal supplied the equipment at a great price given the cause to which it was being donated.

John Bannister said “It is such a pleasure to be able to support the CASLAS youth home in such a practical way.”

Ana Leal said “We are very pleased to receive these gifts from the Freemasons. It will mean less sharing of IT and more effective use by our young people”

For more information on CASLAS Lar de Jovens Youth Home and their other centres visit
For more information on the Lode of Discoveries and English Freemasonry in Portugal visit