British Legion Events Raise €867 For The Poppy Appeal

Diners at Fools & Horses Poppy AppealThe Royal British Legion, Portugal, raised a total of €867 for their Poppy Appeal with two successful events in the Western Algarve.

A Remembrance Dinner at Fools & Horses in Lagos raised €357, whilst a bowls match for the Poppy Cup generated a further €510.

 Glasses were raised to Sue and James Salisbury-HoweGlasses were raised at the Fools & Horses event to Sue and James Salisbury-Howe who founded the western Algarve branch of the RBL in 2014, but who are now stepping down from their roles as the branch’s events organisers.

Tributes were paid to Sue and James by Leni Eves (RBL Welfare) and Graham Herrtage (RBL Member), for all the hard work they have done over the years.

Sue herself, told us, “A special thanks goes, as usual, to Eddie at Fools & Horses, who provided the venue and entertainment.

“He has always been a staunch supporter of the RBL and has always been ready to help with any fund raising events.

“Also we must say a grateful thank-you to Elaine at Cards Lagos for providing the balloon decorations”.

Bowls Tournament winners Evelyn Oliver, Chrissie MacManus and Donald GreenanTwo days later, members of the Forest Bowls Club in Luz and Albufeira Bowls Club, got together to play for the Poppy Cup in aid of the appeal.

Some very competitive bowling and a wonderful buffet lunch (all donated by the bowlers), added to a very enjoyable day which raised a further €510 for the Poppy Appeal.

The winners were Evelyn Oliver, Chrissie MacManus and Donald Greenan, all three of them members of the Albufeira club.