Vilamoura International School donates €7945 to charities

Vilamoura International School donates €7945 to charitiesVilamoura International School has donated 7.945€ to a total of 4 charitable causes at their Christmas Concert, last Wednesday 18 December at the Vilamoura Casino. Additionally, 268 Christmas Shoeboxes with gifts were distributed to children in need across the Algarve with the help of Cáritas.

This amount was raised during the school’s Christmas Fair on 30 November, and a range off stalls and activities organised by students. The CIV leadership thanked the Câmara Municipal de Loulé, Junta de Freguesia de Quarteira and Inframoura for their logistical support in this process, as well as to all families and companies who donated prizes for the Christmas raffles.

“This is, to us, the most special moment of our school’s Christmas season: the moment we are able to make a difference in someone’s life, through countless small gestures” – these were the words of the Pedagogical Director when revealing the total amount raised.

This year the school community will support the Refeitório Social de Quarteira (2.000€); the Big Hand Project which provides education for children in Mozambique (1.500€), the Casa de Acolhimento Temporário “Os Miúdos” (2.000€) and former CIV student Jack Wilson, who is struggling with paraplegia following an accident this summer (2.445€).


Vilamoura International School donates €7945 to charities