Madrugada Support Centre opens March 24th

Madrugada CentroFollowing months of work during the winter refurbishing and fitting out, the Madrugada Support Centre in Praia da Luz is offering a range of activities, classes and support groups for individuals who have been diagnosed with a life limiting illness, their families and carers.
Madrugada President Alison Blair states: 'We are now offering our community a range of services including counselling, complimentary therapies, support groups, creative and physical activities as well as workshops and seminars.’

Madrugada Support CentreFrom Monday 24 March the Centre offers:

Every 3rd Monday 11.00 -  Bereavement Support Group
Every 4th Monday 11.00 - Support Group for Carers
Every 2nd Monday 11.00 - Dementia Discussion Group
Every 1st Monday 11.00 -  Support Group for Survivors of Life Limiting Illness

Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday 14.00 to16.00 -  Reiki Group
Thursdays 11.45 to 13.00 -  Yoga
Tuesdays 14.00 to16.00 - Complimentary Therapies
Wednesdays 10.30 to 12.30 -  Art Group

The four support groups offer people the opportunity to meet others with similar circumstances, enabling them to share experiences, knowledge, thoughts and feelings. It’s not all serious discussion; there’s a great opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and many support groups evolve into social groups nurturing new and lasting friendships.

Bereavement Support Group
Bereaved people who have lost someone close may experience a number of emotions that feel overwhelming and they may have difficulty in believing that their own life still has meaning. Meeting and talking with other bereaved people can offer hope and a new sense of purpose.

Support Group for Carers
People who care for someone affected by a life limiting illness can benefit from an opportunity to share how they themselves feel about a diagnosis, prognosis and constant care of a loved one. It is sometimes difficult for carers to express how they really feel because they don’t want to upset someone who is struggling with illness or burden them with their own thoughts and feelings.

Dementia Discussion Group
The Dementia discussion group is to help carers learn to live and cope with a loved one affected by any stage of dementia. The group will support each other and discover how to take each day as it comes enabling them to be the carer they want to be.

Support Group for Survivors of Life Limiting Illness
People who have survived a life limiting illness often continue to need support. Being discharged from hospital care sometimes feels like being dismissed, released into a no-man’s land, being neither well or unwell and full of concerns for the future.

The Art Group
Led by Mo Miller (BA hons Fine Art), the Art group will encourage creativity as a pastime. Several five week sessions will run throughout the year with each week introducing a different project or aspect of art. A small donation of €3.50 per session is required to cover the cost of materials.

Complimentary Therapies 
Therapists will be available every Tuesday afternoon to offer Reiki, Reflexology, Bowen Therapy or Massage. Please call to arrange a treatment as places are limited each week.

Reiki Group
Depending upon the people attending there will be a short explanation of Reiki – energy, healing and way of life. The afternoon will then include: some chanting (matras or songs); personal work on chakras; energy exercises; open discussion; meditation

This will be a retrospective gentle yoga, about posture, breathing, relaxation and meditation. Hatha Yoga will develop your strength and create a feeling of well-being.

If you are struggling with any aspect of care giving, survivorship or bereavement, or would like to join any of the activities provided in the Support Centre, please contact Madrugada on 282 761 375.