How you can help support Algarve families in need

How you can help support Algarve families in needThe Algarve Network For Families in Need is a long standing and well developed charity in the Algarve concentrating primarily on acquiring items for Families in Need, from those people who no longer need them. We have been amazed over the years at the kindness and generosity of so many people who have donated so selflessly and for those who have launched appeals on our behalf so that we could continue to help  needy  homeless.

The current spread of the coronavirus has caused widespread hardship for many people particularly here in the Algarve where so much of the economy is dependant on tourism and hospitality. 

Over the past few weeks, many people have lost their jobs owing to the closure of restaurants,  hotels, bars and entertainment facilities. Others who are self employed, having been without work for the winter months, and looking forward to starting again in March have seen their much anticipated work cancelled. Much of this has been totally necessary to contain the spread of the virus and protect vulnerable people. 

However, many of those who have lost their jobs have been on minimum pay, and those who are seasonal workers have seen  their scheduled work for the immediate and medium-term,  cancelled. Many of these people have little or no reserves to fall back on, they live from month to month , unable to put anything by for an emergency. They now find themselves with no money, no food and for some, none of the essentials they need for babies.

For this reason, The Algarve Network for Families in Need launched an immediate appeal for donations of these essentials to help over these difficult weeks out of work. 

Collection points have been set up, trolleys have been placed in supermarkets and Alerta (The Bombeiros Charity) agreed to process cash donations, which have flooded in.

We have collection points WEEKLY on a SATURDAY at:

Luz - outside Baptista Supermarket, 12:30 to 13:30

Lagos - by Lidl Supermarket, 11:00 to 12:00

Silves - Swimming Pool car park, 12:00 to 13:00

Messines - by  Intermarche Super market, 12:15 to 13:00

Paderne - by the G.P. Surgery, 11:00 to 12:00

Guia  - Retail Park (Iceland), 13:30 to 14:30

Quarteira - Vila Sol Plaza Car Park, 11:00 to 12:00 (only fortnightly)

We have a collection point on WEDNESDAY APRIL 8th:

Carvoeiro/Lagoa - by Pingo Doce, 11:00 to 12:00 (fortnightly)

These collections will continue and the dates and times will be posted in advance on the facebook page Algarve Network for Families in Need. 
PLEASE CHECK FACEBOOK or contact Benadette to confirm dates of collection points.

In addition, the Overseas/Iceland supermarkets have agreed to have donation trolleys at the front of their stores. 

The Charity Van:Arm in Arm, having temporarily closed the warehouse owing to the current situation has now joined forces with us, to help both with collection and distribution as well as giving us a cash donation. 

Daniel Saunite has kindly offered the International Church in Lagos to be used as needed for sorting and bagging food, which is taken straight out to families who have lost their jobs. We are now in the process af setting up more `hubs` in different areas.

The response has been extraordinary. We have been truly touched by the kindness and generosity of the people here in the Algarve and for that, you all have our thanks.

In the first ten days we have been send food to over 50 families as well as handing some out at the collection points. All the families are either already known to us, or referred by a reliable source. 

But it´s only just beginning. This situation will continue for several months and we have just touched the tip of the iceberg. We seriously need to continue in our efforts to help these, the vulnerable people in our community. 

Having completed the first push to collect, sort and distribute the food we would now like to streamline the process by forming local groups who can take care of things in their own communities, thus reducing the need for excess travel. The groups will, however, continue to network and be a support to each other both in terms of information and resource sharing.

This is a perfect opportunity to form local groups supporting local people, which we hope will continue long after this crisis is over. 

We need your help !!!! 

We will continue to hold collections which will be published in advance on the Facebook Page Algarve Network for Families in Need. Please continue to donate.

As well as food, nappies cleaning products please also bring any spare shopping bags you may have. Plus any spare wool and knitting needles.

If you are unable to get to any of the collection points and would like to donate please contact Bernadette at or on 282 101 585 or 937 149 603.

If you would like to volunteer to work in a community group please contact Bernadette and she will put you in touch with the lead person in your area. You will not be required to do anything that you are not comfortable with.

If you would like any further information about the Algarve Network for Families in Need, or about this current appeal please contact Bernadette at:
T: 282 101 585 or 937 149 603

Cash Donations

Cash donations can be made to Alerta at the Paypal address, PLEASE MARK for Families in Need.