Community Generosity Bears Fruit - And Veg!

Community Generosity Bears Fruit - And Veg!An association of expats and Portuguese residents has moved swiftly to donate boxes of fruit and vegetables to needy families on the Algarve’s west coast.

Community association Amovate (the Associação Dos Moradores e Amigos do Vale Da Telha, or the Association of Residents and Friends of Vale da Telha) is a non-profit making charitable organisation, available for people of all nationalities who have links to the area on the coast near the town of Aljezur.

Amovate President, Ian BedfordRecognising that families without land to grow their own food were facing extreme difficulties and hardship, Amovate decided to lend a hand.

President Ian Bedford, who leads a multi-national committee of local residents, told us,

“In these difficult times there are always going to be families that suffer more than most, and we at Amovate decided to find out if there were any ways we would be able to help.

“We work frequently with Carolina Agapito who runs The Day Spa at Arrifana, but is also involved with the Aljezur branch of the Saint Vincente de Paul Society, and is able to identify needy causes we have often helped in the past.

“After discussing it with her it was agreed that supplying boxes of vegetables and fruit for families who have no land to grow their own food was probably the most pressing need in the current lockdown situation.

“Then came the issue of sourcing the food required, and Petra Deen, a friend of Amovate, who has a stall at Aljezur’s Municipal Market selling produce largely from her own smallholding, quickly agreed to help by generously letting us have the fruit and vegetables at cost.

Two of the first fresh fruit & veg boxes for distribution“She also kindly volunteered to make up each box which were then delivered to the St Vincente de Paul Society volunteers who are organising the distribution to those most in need.”

Ian added, “We know, of course, that this contribution probably will not be the last as the battle to combat the pandemic continues, and Amovate are looking at other ways to help.

One of those ways, which began on Wednesday April 15th, involved the donation, collection and distribution of non-perishable goods.
Ian explained, “We have been asking people in the area who may have tins or packets of food surplus to requirements which they might like to contribute to this endeavour, to let us know.

“And this has been met with a generous response, which means that Amovate, has, with the help of Ana Sofia Pires Coelho and Davide José Evangelista Firmino at the Restaurante Fonte do Vale - conveniently located right at the heart of Vale da Telha - come up with a plan to collect such non-perishable goods for distribution to people in need by The St Vincente de Paul Society to those most in need.

“From Wednesday 15th April onwards, a box will be available inside the entrance door (porch) of the restaurant for people to leave any type of non-perishable goods. The restaurant’s opening hours are midday to 9pm. These donations will be collected by Amovate and then passed on to the Society for distribution”.
He went on, “We have already had donations of money, and if you see this as your way of helping please contact and your details will be passed onto Amovate’s treasurer, who will be happy to give the relevant bank details, so transfers can be made. We would be delighted to hear from anybody wishing to donate, or to help us in this very worthwhile endeavour."
“Amovate’s Committee will make further donations, but with the help of the local people who are well known for their generosity especially for good causes, we can help make a real difference to these families”.

Amovate can be contacted via messaging on the Amovate Facebook page, or by email at