Petition For Government to Fund Stray Animal Sterilisation

PETITION FOR GOVERNMENT TO FUND STRAY ANIMAL STERILISATIONWithout help to pay for the sterilization of pets owned by needy residents, more animals will be abandoned. The cat colony situation is already catastrophic and more and more stray dogs are appearing on the streets.

APAA and other associations do as much as possible, but we all have limited funds and the government should be doing much more to alleviate the problem.

There is a campaign in existence to try to persuade the government to provide funds to local authorities and associations specifically for the purpose of sterilization.

The three pillars of the Campaign are:

1. Municipal kennels must obligatorily sterilize all animals that are adopted. 
2. The local authorities must conclude protocols with animal protection associations that operate in the municipality for the sterilization of abandoned animals that they collect, 
3. Local authorities must provide residents with limited resources with free sterilization of the animals they own. 

Please click on the following link and sign the petition: 

If you can share this link on your Facebook page or forward info to your friends and colleagues, every little helps. We are experiencing a very complex and difficult situation that requires strength, persistence and unity.