
StreetLife 'Be Wise - Sterilise' Campaign begins

'Be Wise - Sterilise' Campaign begins.StreetLife and the Uniao de Freguesia de Moncarapacho e Fuseta are working together on this campaign - BE WISE ... STERILISE.

Low-income families who need help sterilising their dogs can now go to the office of the Junta de Freguesia in Moncarapacho and the staff will give them an Application Form and help them complete all the required information.  StreetLife also plans to hold clinics in their office.

StreetLife is targeting the low-income families who do not have access to social media!  We are displaying posters in as many places as possible.  If you have a printer, please make contact and we will email you a poster to print and display on your local bins, in local cafes, supermarkets, pharmacies, co-operatives – anywhere you can display a poster… do it!  BUT you need to regularly check it hasn’t been removed.  If it has, put up another one!

We want to flood the area with posters and information.  Spreading the word on social media is not reaching the locals who live in the hills and countryside.

We can do this… we need your help… we are not asking for donations of money, only a little bit of your time and your printer!

CLICK HERE to open the poster, then just click PRINT and display anywhere you are able to in the Moncarapacho and Fuseta areas.

If you don’t have a printer; but would like posters to display we can print them for you… email: info@streetlife.pt.

If this campaign is successful, we will contact other Freguesias and ask them to help in their area. 

POSTERS HAVE ALREADY BEEN DISPLAYED IN MONCARAPCHO AT: Intermarche, Algar Super, Loja Fresca, Coviran, Farmácia Soares, Café Dijo, Drogamon, the Cooperativa plus Madeira & Maderia at Alfandanga and a few green bins in the area.  We now need posters out in surrounding areas.


W: www.streetlife.pt
E:  info@streetlife.pt
Facebook: www.facebook.com/StreetLifeAnimalSterilisationProgramme

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