Rotary Club BBQ help with back-to-school necessities

Birthday girl Alice with organ grinder Lothar VroegenAlmost 500 euros was raised by members and friends of Almancil International Rotary Club (AIRC) last Sunday at a Sunset beach barbecue. The money will be used to provide children at an Almancil school with back to school necessities, including books, pens and bags.

The event was held at Forte Nova Restaurant in Quarteira with delicious barbecued fish, meats and salads being the order of the day. Desserts were made and donated by Birthday Girl Alice Krings and there was entertainment provided by the restaurant’s resident musician together with accordion Duo Mão de Obra. Alice was serenaded by organ grinder Lothar Vroegen and the children provided the dancing.

“It was a great evening” said AIRC President José Galamba. “I would like my year to reflect the fellowship of Rotary whilst at the same time I hope we raise a lot of money to help local causes. I couldn’t have wished for a better start to my year as President and I’m very grateful to my fellow Rotarian Uschi Kuhn who worked so hard to organise the event”. I would like to increase our membership this year so that we are able to help more deserving causes”.

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Members and guests tucking into the food