Swim for Shoes 2014/15 a swimming success

Swim for ShoesSwim for Shoes 2014/15, the annual event to swim or paddle in the Atlantic Ocean, has this year so far raised over €1000 for new shoes for children in care. Many congratulations and thanks to all those who participated.
This year's events had, for the first time, the support of Events Organiser - Portugal4U and the Albufeira Surf Clube - who added greatly to the excitement by arriving by sea.

The weather was perfect for both of the events, one on Christmas day, and the second on New Year's day, blue skies and high temperatures, and the sea calm.

The money will be used to buy shoes during the year for the teenagers. It will be divided between A Gaivota, Santa Casa in Albufeira and Espaço Amigos in Armação de Pêra. Each child at school needs a pair of trainers and plimsolls.

Certificates were awarded to all those who got wet and everyone enjoyed a "Hot Chocolate " in the Holiday Inn Algarve bar afterwards.

A big thank you to everyone who took part, those who watched, the media for helping with the publicity, Dave Sheldrake (http://davesheldrakephotography.com) and Diogo Correia (https://www.facebook.com/diogo10) for photographing the two events and to everyone who donated so generously.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day 2014, Swim for Shoes

New Years Day

New Years Day 2015, Swim for Shoes 

Photos by Diogo Correia

W: www.portugal4U.pt