Bingo, raffles, quiz night and sweepstakes laws explained in new information leaflet

bingo2Following the well publicised Bingo gambling case in Albufeira where a number of people earlier this year were unwittingly involved in illegal gambling.

Tthe media, the Consulate, the local police, the tourist board and Safe Communities Algarve (SCA) received a number of enquiries about what exactly were the laws covering various gambling and gaming activities and whether or not these were legal.

The 'Serviço de Inspeção de Jogos do Turismo de Portugal'  now has available on its website an information leaflet in English about Gambling in Portugal. The Ministry of Internal Administration (SGMAI) is in the process of uploading the same leaflet onto its website.

In response to questions and the many grey areas uncovered, SCA, Turismo do Algarve, the GNR and British Vice Consul collaborated in the production of an information document to help clarify this subject for the benefit of business owners, residents and tourists.

Responding to the types of questions asked by the pubic and business owners about gambling activities practiced in Portugal, a list was drawn up and sent to Serviço de Inspeção de Jogos do Turismo de Portugal, which is the legal authority on gambling, and to SGMAI which is responsible for the processing of applications where approval needs to be sought.

The new document covers the offences of organising, participating in and being in a place for the purpose of unlicensed gambling, as well as the legal position concerning raffles, quiz nights, bingo, card games and sweepstakes for both 'for profit' and 'non-profit' organisations. The information includes an overview of the application procedure, which body to apply to and whom to contact with enquiries.

The document also provides information regarding fundraising and how to obtain approval.

Although the new information provides a comprehensive overview it is recommended that as individual circumstances may be different anyone needing clarification concerning their own situation should contact Serviço de Inspeção de Jogos do Turismo de Portugal which is the legal authority on gambling, by email at   or by telephone on 211 140 200, and the Ministry of Internal Administration regarding the processing of applications at or on 351 213 409 000.

Both organisations can be contacted in English or Portuguese.

There were a number of changes introduced in 2011 concerning the approval procedure required for various gambling activities and even if organisations have received legal advice in the past it is best again to check the situation with the above authorities.

The new information can be foundHERE.

If you have any difficulties accessing the link go to  and click on: 'Inspeção de Jogos' on left side then 'Colboração no Combate ao Jogo Ilicito'.

This document is the official and approved version.