Sunshine and blue skies for santa

Father Christmas WalkLast Saturday, 7th December, 2013 more than one hundred Father Christmases took part in the second Armação de Pêra Father Christmas walk.

Sunshine and blue skies were the backdrop for the bright red Father Christmas suits.

The walk in aid of the Food Bank Portugal which passed through the streets of Armação de Pêra - was led by Angelo of local gym Fit-Gym, who also ensured that the group did warm-up excersises before starting.

Music from the Percutunas commenced the event. Cristina Bentes from the Food Bank Algarve, was delighted to collect a substantial amount of donations from the Hotel on Saturday.

Thank you everyone - the participants, those who came to watch, for the donations to the Food Bank, the sponsors: Fit-Gym, Remax Praia, Dive Spot, Dave Sheldrake Photographers, The Junta da Fregusia de Armação de Pêra, Polis Apoteose, and especially the Percutunas Orchestra for walking at the front with great music.

Photos by Dave Sheldrake

Father Christmas Walk 2013 - photography by Dave Sheldrake