ACCA Pro-Am raises more than €10,000 for worthy causes

Left to right: Team players ;Pat Tolin; Eddie Charnock, winning Pro; John Malpas; Andy Coulton Children’s charity ACCA scored major points at the fund-raising Pro-Am last week at Pinheiro Altos Clube be Golfe, when 72 players competed for the winning trophy.

Thanks to prize sponsors Blevins Franks, Footjoy, Golfino, CPD Sound & Vision, Good Life Spas and Garrafeira Rui and hole sponsors Grasshopper Greens, Florian, Jeff Mauger Project Management, Duo Decora, Leita, Rubicer, IBC,Cartridge World, PremFX, Vendeci Properties, Oscars Bar, Ideal Homes Penguin Airconditioning, Platinum Auto Sales, this year’s Pro-Am generated the highest ever funds for ACCA, and as a result more children in need will receive the support and therapies they urgently need.

Making up the event’s winning team led by Pro Kenny Fairbairn were John Seabrook, Peter Seabrook and Nigel Rudd; the Pro's 1st prize was shared by Kenny Fairbairn and Eddie Charnock who each scored 71.

The ‘million dollar hole in one’ raised €295, and a similar amount came from a bit of guess work when players paid €5 a time to estimate the number of golf tees in a big jar. ACCA’s silent auction – always an attraction at special events such as this – produced an amazing €5,900. In all €10,297 was added to the Charity’s fund.

ACCA is looking for volunteers to help out at future fundraisers. Contact Gwenda Daud – – to find out more.

Left to right:  ACCA’s Jenny Harrison; Christophe Rindlisbacher Pinheiro Altos Golf Director; Kenny Fairbain, winning Pro and Pro on winning team; Mai Markey Lady Captain; Knut Pedersen, Captain