
Adega Mayor Tournament 2014 at Boavista Golf & Spa Resort

Adega Mayor Tournament 2014 at Boavista Golf & Spa ResortBoavista Golf once again held their Adega Mayor tournament for the fourth year running on Saturday the 25th January 2014.
Growing from strength to strength this increasingly popular tournament attracted a field of 84 players for the 18 hole competition which took off with a shotgun start at 9am on a rather cold and windy day but without deterring the players from enjoying their game.

Adega Mayor Tournament 2014 at Boavista Golf & Spa ResortThe day’s winners were, in first place Gunnel Jöner from Sweden with 41 points, second place went to Bill Ryan with 37 points and in third place with 34 was Doreen Davidson. The Nearest the Pin winners were Gunnel Jöner and Paul Cotterell. The longest drive prizes went to Jenny McMullan and Paul Cotterell.

They all collected excellent prizes very generously donated by event sponsor Adega Mayor including a weekend for two in Campo Maior in the Alentejo.

Managing Director Phillip Pope said it was a very enjoyable event, thanked members and guests for playing the competition and Adega Mayor for their continuing support. As part of the day's festivities all competitors and guests enjoyed a specially prepared lunch buffet with a prize giving ceremony.

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