
Tosta Mista with Alvaro Costa is Coming To Radio near you

Tosta Mista with Alvaro Costa is Coming To Radio near youThe Best Mix of Portuguese Music, Bands, Fans and Culture ...... in English. Announcing `Tosta Mista´ the newest Portuguese music discovery radio show to target the English marketplace.

Well known journalist and music guru Álvaro Costa together with International Development and music consultancy firm The Portugal Music Scene have teamed up with RTP Radio Antena 3, in association, to launch this intuitive show.

Targeted not only at reaching new music fans worldwide, Tosta Mista will help bring the best of the current Portuguese music culture to new audiences. Following each bi weekly episode of Tosta Mista online at Radio Antena 3 in Portugal the show will then be syndicated to internet radio and media partners worldwide. <

As well Tosta Mista will target representatives in the international music industry, tourism industry, business communities, education sector, travel & hospitality industries and even the millions of English speaking Portuguese descendants throughout the world who are proud to help spread great music.

Stay tuned to Antena 3 online at http://media.rtp.pt/antena3/ for more news coming soon or check out the Tosta Mista with Alvaro Costa Facebook page soon at: https://www.facebook.com/TostaMistaWithAlvaroCosta/

For more info on sponsorship and advertising please email: tostamistawithac@gmail.com.


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