
Nobel International School Algarve visits CERN in Geneva

CERN student visitA group of 16 senior students and two teachers from Nobel International School Algarve visited CERN in Switzerland in November as part of the CERN Educational Program 2017.

CERN is the world´s largest and most complex scientific laboratory and values its interaction with students. This Educational Program welcomes students each year to learn more about CERN, the origins of the Universe, the basic constituents of matter and the fundamental laws of nature.

The students travelled to Geneva and stayed in a youth hostel, and visited CERN, the Cloud Chamber hands-on workshop, the Natural History Museum of Geneva and the United Nations Office. During free time, the group visited Geneva´s old town, art museum and enjoyed a boat trip across the lake.

Science teachers Professora Rute Oliveira and Miss Andreia Rodrigues led the group visit, following Miss Rodrigue´s visit to CERN earlier in the term on a Teacher Education program.

The students joined one of four groups at the airport during boarding and this mixed up the national and international students. They were set daily challenges using ´Whatsapp´, led by the teachers. Miss Rodgrigues explained, “The topics covered in these daily challenges ranged from scientific and cultural to social and health and was designed to help the students bond and work as a team, and keep them engaged throughout the entire visit.

Professora Rute Oliveira said: “We aim to inspire our students for potential careers in science. This was a rare and unique opportunity that is rarely undertaken in schools but will have enriched the education of those who came."

CERN student visit - Geneva

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