
Nobel International Scientists Launch Student Committee

Nobel International Scientists Launch Student CommitteeA group of budding scientists from Nobel International School Algarve Year 12 and 13 have set up a Science Committee. The group of pioneering students are devoting their free time to enhancing the learning experiences of younger colleagues at the school. They meet every week for two hours to explore existing scientific experiments used with current Year 9 and GCSE pupils with the intention of improving and diversifying the experiments possible to make, and also trying to develop new experiments.

Nobel International Scientists Launch Student CommitteeJavier Guerra, one of the Year 13 members of this new committee, explained: "Today, we worked on an experiment to show the acceleration of gravity, in a way, to reduce the experimental uncertainty. We all work together and share ideas and try new ideas out."
The group is currently made up of five boys: Javier Guerra, who has just returned from an interview at Cambridge University to study Engineering, Thomas Richardet, Bart Hoogwerff Eikelenboom, Bruno Donche-Gay and Thomas Vicens, who has applied to study Mechanical Engineering at several European universities and one in Canada. A new boarding student who joined the school this week from France, Louis Bertholet, has also joined the group. “We hope to make an impact on younger pupils, encourage more senior students from Year 12 and 13 to join, and we want to leave a lasting legacy and to encourage creative scientific study at the school,” added Thomas Vicens.

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